5. The Plaque Of Greed

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Why is greed so widespread in this capitalist society? It has polluted human minds. Ruined human lives. Damned human souls. It prevails and spreads like a fatal disease - marring anyone it reaches.

Education and health - they're nothing but businesses now. They profit off the young, sick and old. They use us, and drain us of our hard - earned cash, just for it to deposit in their huge pockets. These pockets, they never fill. They just expand with every deposition, craving more and more.


They're simply insatiable.

Always hungry for more. They feel no shame when they snatch away a poor toddler's meal on pretext of 'good health'. Selfless people are hard to come by. That's because greedy souls have consumed the only selfless ones left.

There are people everywhere, but we have never been more alone, stuck in walls of self - preservation. That's due to the fact that people are all around us, ready to tear those walls down and use our vulnerability to their advantage.

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