38. Bliss

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The wall is leaking tears. The ceiling is neon blue. My eyes are red and heavy, but I don't want to close them yet. The pain is sweet. The mirror is bleeding, the water in the bathtub is black. I'm floating, a blurry green shape. The bed is glittering, and the mattress turns watery as I lie down. I admire the sights, my thoughts encased in bubbles, but the images start to fade. I start to come down from the high, but I don't want it to end yet. So I take more pebbles. Pebbles filled with marvellous things. The things make me feel good. I like feeling good. The mirror bleeds more this time. I stub my toes on the door, and gold leaks out of the wound. It's shiny and yellow. I like shiny things. I want to see more gold, so I start scratching and peeling my arm. Slowly, more gold leaks out of my arm. I want more. I start scratching aggressively and release a happy sigh as more gold rushes out. The pain is heaven. I want more. The tears leaking from the walls have turned into floods, but I can't feel them dripping on me. I want to feel them, so I take some more pebbles. I'm flying. The pain is something I can't feel anymore. I want to feel it, so I take some more. Everything is fading. The magic is disappearing, so I take more, more, more.

I'm falling, and I smell my wings burning as I plummet to the ground. I'm on the bed, my eyes are heavy, so I close them.

Everything fades to black.

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