32. Good Parenting

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We're what people would call the cool parents. We completely trust our daughter - so we don't feel the need to constantly keep an eye on her. Our daughter is so mature too - at such a young age, she knows what's right for her and what isn't. And the rest, well, she should have the freedom to learn her lesson herself. 

Our daughter is also more mature than others her age because she never had the 'rebellious' phase. Why would she, when she had nothing to rebel against? Most parents oppress their children during their teenage years, but we let her go try things of her own free will. Not only mature, she's tough too. Once she was going to a party in a car with all the windows down, and as she stopped at the signal, a man outside snatched her earring, and it tore through her ear as it was pulled away with brute force. Despite all this, she ran after the man, indifferent to the pain in her bleeding ear, and she even caught him. He went to jail. 

We had done a good job raising our little hero. My husband gets a little teary every single time she achieves something, regardless of how simple or small that thing might be. And me, I'm just happy. We love her so much, and we count our lucky stars every day. Because we almost lost her. Because she almost died, coming out as a premature baby. 

But she was tough, even then, and she pushed through everything. She survived because she's a fighter. I don't know who she gets it from, but I'm so glad.

A nightmare keeps frightening me. It repeats every night, and it keeps me trapped in my sleep till dawn, when I wake up, tears on my face. It all feels so real... I started feeling that my reality was an illusion.

Because in my nightmares, my premature baby did die. And I was so grief-stricken, I stole someone else's baby and started raising it as my own. In my nightmare, my husband didn't cry because he was proud of our daughter, he cried because her real parents would never see her excel in life. In my nightmare, my daughter isn't my real daughter, I'm a criminal.  And there's no one around to put me in jail. 

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