23. The Missing Phone

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Phones are a surefire way to know every detail of a person's life. The shiny, sleek devices are a gateway to someone's deepest, darkest secrets if one digged deep enough. My phone was an exception. It had no personal photos, nor did it have any personal information or chats. I preferred to discuss secrets in real life rather than on a screen where you don't know who may be on the other end. For all you know, someone could be stabbing your back as you're baring your soul. All of that was the reason for my lack of concern when I lost my phone one sunny evening. I didn't have anything of importance on it, so why bother? My friends didn't understand my reaction. If their phones went missing, they said they'd go berserk and ransack the whole house to find it. 

Not that there was much of a house to ransack in my case anyways. It was a one bedroom studio. So my phone must have been somewhere in the room, hidden under piles of clothes, books or empty wrappers.

When the phone was still missing after a week, I decided to check if it really was in the house. Opening the 'Find my Phone' app, I confirmed it. My phone was definitely somewhere in my room.

My mother planned to visit me that weekend. Looking at the mess I called my room, I tidied up everything. The pile of clothes went into the laundry, the wrappers went into the dustbin, and the books were neatly arranged on shelves. Yet the phone was nowhere to be found. How strange.

With about an hour left for her arrival, I decided to continue the book I was currently reading. I leaned back on my bed ,and in the process, my book fell down. Leaning down to get it, I saw - to my great atonishment - that my lost phone was under my bed.  It gave way to horror when I saw the hand clutching it. The screen lit up as my mother called me, and a stranger's face grinned back at me from under the bed. 

As he pulled me under and took out a shiny, silver knife, I felt deep despair clawing at my heart. My last thought was - my frail defenceless mother was about to walk into a house where a man awaited her, armed with a bloodied knife, crouched next to her dead son. 

She was about to walk into the house where her last breath resided.

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