21. Dear Paris

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'dear paris

Happiness truly knows no bounds. Everything was amazing today. Lounging on the porch with chilled ice - cream and my friends on a summer evening is blissful. Paris, you missed out so much. It was a whole other experience. Then after that, we wandered around town until the white gleam of the moon was visible in the pitch-black clear sky. Seriously, i know you've gone to college, and you're probably going to so many parties, but this is to let you know that your sister can have fun too. Well, as fun as summer can be at home. Actually, i bet you're enjoying it more. Talking and meeting up with new people - you must be in your element. Chilled ice cream is not an option for you though, you sad lactose-intolerant girl. Ha, at least that's one thing i can have over you. I hope you're coming back home soon though. Now i've started to miss your annoying face. Goodnight and see you soon!


I read the letter again and again. Something seemed off about it. August never wrote in uppercase, not even at the beginning of the sentence. Hell, even her i's in the letter were lowercase. She always said she was allergic to uppercase. Curious, I looked at all the capital letters. A chill went down my spine as I read the words formed by the letters.

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