47. Tag

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Her tag was an outcast, someone everyone feared, someone everyone avoided. It wasn't always like that. She used to be the mingler, the one everyone gravitated to without any specific reason. She just radiated warmth, and everyone wanted a piece of her sunlight, until The Incident. After that, her sunlight turned into shards of ice, and that ice pierced through everyone she loved. And then no one loved her anymore.

As she walked in the school hallway, her head down, people whispered. If she dared to look up, they scurried away like rats. They never stayed.

She used to be surrounded by everyone, but now she was abandoned. All because of The Incident. She was chased by boys and girls alike, but now they snickered and called her names behind her back. Sometimes, the leader doesn't want to lead, and the optimists just want to cry their sorrows away. Sometimes the 'bad' kids just want to be good, and the the nice aren't nice deep within. In those cases, their tags become an obstacle. Their tags become forced. Hers felt forced that day. On the day of The Incident, she had prayed to be anyone else - anyone else but her. Because He liked her. Because He didn't take no for an answer, and when she escaped, He lied about her to everyone.

The rumours swirled around her, covering her in a shroud. Her tag was an outcast, but she was misunderstood. Misunderstood by her friends, who were whispering behind her back, misunderstood by the teachers, who gazed at her, disgusted, and even disgusted by her parents, who pretended like they didn't have a daughter anymore. She was the victim, painted to be a scarlet letter. The sun used to shine on her, but she was in the dark now, shivering.

And now, if she ended her misery, they'd call her weak. They'd mock her. They'd say that she couldn't handle the consequences of her own actions. Because that was their job. They would speak no matter what she did, and it would all be her fault. It was her fault she was nice, and pretty, it was her fault that she said no.

Because He was blameless, so surely, all the blame must fall on her. Shouldn't it?

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