The Dark Truth - Part 2

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For the next few weeks, Reni caught glimpses of the shadowy figure. Oddly, she wasn't afraid of her invisible stalker. In a way, the shadow was like a comfort to her. It was evidence that to someone, her sorry existence still mattered.

However, as the number of deaths of her various tormentors increased and her situation at school worsened, her stalker started to unsettle her. She went to the authorities, however, due to her absurd theory, she was dismissed. No one kills people who annoy a teen high - schooler, out of love for said high - schooler. No one is that deranged.


But Reni was convinced. She knew what she had to do. So one day, she followed the shadow. She trailed the shadow all the way to a small house. As soon as she saw the house, she memorized its location and ran away back to her home.

Her spying was definitely risky, but Reni was a bit reckless with her life. All she felt was that it wasn't worth that much anyway. All that mattered now was saving her bullies' lives, ironically. They were despicable, but they still didn't deserve to die.

For days, she watched the house. No one came even once. The shadows had disappeared.

After ten days of the shadow vanishing, she took the risk and entered the house. It was dark and the electricity wasn't working. She stumbled blindly through the barren room until she tripped over something and hit her head, blacking out.

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