15. The Road To Success

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"Confidence is the key to success. At least that's what they say. I take that saying very seriously because it works. I, Rebecca Darling, the tenth most successful singer songwriter in the world, would know a lot about success. It's not an easy path, but confidence does help. And my looks and voice didn't put me at any disadvantage. I worked hard to reach where I am. It took a downpour of heartbreak and a snowball of sacrifices to get there. To be on the high peaks of the world. Amy Reed's sudden accident led me up to the tenth spot in the world, and I am so sorry for her loss. If I was in her place, I would've crumbled. But offering condolences is not why I gathered you all here today. I want to celebrate. So here's to more hits from me in the future!!"

I smiled at everyone and sipped more wine as exhaustion and alcohol clouded my thinking. The party got wilder as slurred speeches gave way to passed-out bodies. My head was spinning as I pushed through the crowd, anticipating the fresh air of solitude. I gripped the balcony railing and inhaled the sweet scent of the flowers in the garden below. After collecting my thoughts, I grinned as the gravity of my position hit me. Just nine more to go. Nine more subtle pushes, collisions, and threats to the peak of stardom. 

My fame really came with many sacrifices. Other competitors. Amy didn't have any 'accident'. Nothing about that crash was accidental. And next month, Mike won't pass away falling off his horse at the edge of the cliff. No, he'll die because I will push him off and see him dead in cold blood.

 I agree, I play a little dirty. But what's a bit of cheating in the long run? Being number one on top of the mountain of bodies is better than being at the bottom of the food chain, spotless and pure.

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