8. When Two Paths Cross

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Two lives intersect like threads in a loop. The manner in which they intersect, however, is what makes their chance encounter so interesting. So frustrating. They're so close to finding out about the intersection but at the same time, etiquette demands them to not dig into each other's life, and after all, digging deep is the only way to open the treasure chest of memories.

Such a chance encounter happened between Mia and Jeremy. Both haunted by their past.

Mia was crossing the road when she bumped into Jeremy. A quick apology led to a peek into Mia's book - which Jeremy had read too - and they both began a conversation as two members of the same fandom. The Picture of Dorian Grey, ironically, was the book that brought them together.

They ended up walking together, after discovering that they were both headed in the same direction. Mia hated Dorian and what he stood for, and she sympathized with Sylvia's brother. Revenge and blind hot anger; she could relate to it. Jeremy, on the other hand, hated Dorian too but related to his guilt around Sylvia's death.

And that is how the conversation continued, an in- depth discussion over morally grey fictional characters and pure angelic beauties that died due to said fictional character.

As they split up to their respective destinations, they bade farewell to each other and walked alone, glowing with satisfaction. It is fortunate that this encounter didn't lead to anything, since it would've ended tragically for both of them. Their past would never allow their present a happy ending in the future.

For poor Mia was fueled by rage and misery everyday after losing her brother to a hit and run driver, and Jeremy was wracked with guilt and fear after accidently hitting an unidentified male, whose hair was as red as Mia's and who had Mia's mother's brown eyes.

In their world, Mia was Sylvia's brother, out for the blood of justice and Jeremy was Dorian, escaping the trials of his grave error.

In our world too, Mias and Jeremys exist.

The bold and the cowards.

The sad and the guilty.

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