27. The Beyond

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She is nowhere, yet she's everywhere. In the particles of the sky, in everyone's breath, in the air, the mud, the water. No one sees her, but everyone feels her presence, like the smell of fresh air. She is hidden in plain sight. Once in a while, people catch sight of her accidentally. And then, next second, the memory slips from their grasp. They even forget the reason for their entrance into the room. She is good and evil. Partial and fair. A demon and an angel in nature at the same time. She praises the good, and brutally condemns the bad. She can take any shape. She whispers insecurities into the feeble human mind, and helps us grow in resilience at the same time. She is so much more than what we humans have termed her as. We make up games about her, but she is far more dangerous and real. You know it. Isolated in the house, standing in front of the mirror, whispering her name thrice. Laughing at the result and mocking her tale. Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary. What you don't know is she has answered your call. She is your reflection, laughing back at you, mocking your ignorance. 

Hidden in plain sight.

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