14. Twisted Minds

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I saw red. White- hot anger. My frustration with the woman before me wasn't evident, but it was like poison. Vicious and sharp. Sasha had been yelling at me for the past hour- I didn't do this, I didn't do that, etc. She was a really short-tempered boss. Her face was red as she hurled insults at me, her eyes wide with fury. For just a minute, I imagined giving in to the temptation. To wrap my hands around her pink neck and watch her eyes turn glassy as she realized who the actual predator was. To drag her immobile body through the office and throw it on Arie Richer, just to relish her horrified face as she looked at me. So I imagined it all, but I did nothing.

Sasha was still there, screaming her lungs out, and I still didn't say anything. I was biding my time. Let them all think I'm a human doormat, until they realize I'm the noose around their necks.

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