7. The Dark Truth

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Reni sat silently on the pavement, bearing the torture of the beating. To outsiders, it just looked like three girls were huddled on the pavement. It was only the bullies and the victim who knew the brutal truth.

The girls laughed at Reni's silent submission to the beating, and mocked her protective posture. Reni just tolerated it, battered and bruised.

And tired. So very tired.

That night, she looked at the new bruises she had to hide from her teachers. She was just beaten up over a false accusation. An accusation that she had killed Ronny Miller. It wasn't true. Finally, she broke down, in the safety of her room. Once the flood of tears started, they didn't stop. None of this was fair.

The next day, she woke up to another death news. The three girls were dead.

A mixture of horror and relief was evident on her face as Reni walked to school. However, it soon turned to deep horror when she saw the words sprayed on her locker. They think she killed the girls, just because she had motive.

Life was unfair as Reni walked home after a whole day of verbal taunts and abuse. Tears blurred her vision as she limped (her leg had tripped over a conveniently placed bag). As her hazy eyes looked at her gloomy surroundings, she saw a dark shadow standing at a corner of the street, watching her. As she blinked, it disappeared.

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