3. The One That Got Away

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You really don't know how lucky you were today. Oh, how I wish I could have gotten you too. I wonder, how would things have turned out if I hadn't let you go? If I had made you stay?

And it my choice that saved you. In a way, I felt like god in those moments, having such control on two lives' future. Who should I choose to let go? So many choices. You both were equally close to me on that crowded street, and you both looked equally gullible too. It was a tough decision, to tell you the truth.

How enjoyable it was though, to have the power to crush two fragile lives. But you, you were the lucky one. I chose the other one, and you just carried on, oblivious to the fact that your life was compensated for by another.

I took another pair of cold listless eyes as payment.

You were saved by a deadly game of chance - where a stranger who you'll never know took your place. So consider yourself blessed, and live each day to the fullest.

You never know when I'll be lurking in the shadows. And I always want my prey to be happy before I strike.

They sell better like that.

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