18. The Unsolved Question

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Where was the body? Where was it?

The question was repeated numerous times to Sam, but it never succeeded in producing an answer. He was considered guilty because of the circumstantial evidence found against him at Anita's house, but Anita's body was nowhere to be found. The case could not be continued without the body, and Sam would soon be a free man.

Sam leaned back against his interrogation chair as the cop stared at him, trying to read the emotions on his cold face. The news anchor's voice started repeating in Sam's head like a broken record- " A day of double tragedies - Successful doctor Anita Sharma killed by her husband on the same day 'The Rani', a luxury cruise ship sinks to the bottom of the ocean. Only a few survived the disaster." 

He thought about Anita, and like always, all he felt was cold. Indifferent. Detached, like she was just another name in the news and not his own wife. He thought of the memories - her soft hands, the way her eyes shined when she laughed, the crazy things they did together. He always came back to one memory - the bad memory. Her brows knitted together as she stared at him with hate, or worse, fear. He was a bad husband, he knew that, but he just couldn't control himself. Whenever he was angry, his hands just lifted off their own accord. When he came back to his senses, he always apologized to her and made it up to her in every way. But the memory of her fearful look was ingrained in his mind in ink, ready to mock him wherever he went. He hated that look; he wanted it gone. The next time she looked at him with fear in her almond eyes, he snapped.

Honestly, he regretted it, but the peaceful look on her face was much better.

But no one ever found the body. Her house, surrounding areas, everywhere else. She was nowhere to be found. 

The cop repeated the pointless question again, but Sam's face betrayed nothing. He had no worries, they would never dream of where it was actually hidden. Anita and Sam always did silly things to spice up their life. One such thing was secretly booking a room in the luxury cruise ship - 'The Rani' - under fake names and going there in disguises. They never imagined what was going to happen. That Anita would never reach the ship alive, and Sam would go there to dispose of her body. He left it on board and stepped off, and even then, he didn't know he had disposed of it in the perfect place.

A sinking ship.

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