12. Saturday Night

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The pool was red. There was a body floating on the water.


Sera wasn't supposed to be here. Neither was Vayne. This party was off- limits to him. If they knew, they'd kick him out. He was wanted, after all. Sera, on the other hand, had genuinely lost her way. You could say she ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Her favourite black top sparkled under the bright lights as she tried to find a way out.

Vayne was doing everything in his power to avoid the exit. He wandered around the house, eyes alert in case they spotted someone worthwhile as a victim. And then they collided. Sera hit her head, and so did Vayne. They both scrambled to apologize, and then Vayne's eyes lit up. What a perfect victim.

Oblivious to the deceitful thoughts running through Vayne's mind, Sera stood up, brushed her pale blue strands away from her face and continued her hunt for the exit. Vayne sneakily followed her, searching for the perfect opportunity. He finally found it at the punch table. Alas, he got interrupted yet again by the arrival of a girl called Alyssa. Giving up on Sera, he settled for her instead.

No one heard Alyssa yell over the deafening music.

Vayne made his way out. Unfortunately, the security guard saw him. Soon started the chase, and Vayne ended up hiding in the pool room. Coincidently, Sera was there too, and on spotting Vayne, she tried to ask him about the exit's location. That girl was seriously disoriented to still not find the the exit. However, in his hurry to escape, Vayne shouldered past her to run from the confined pool room. Sera stumbled and fell into the pool, just as the pool lighting changed from blue to red, and she spluttered out chlorinated water in indignation.

Vayne escaped just in time. He breathed a sigh of relief as he admired the valuables he pickpocketed from Alyssa and many others at the party. The next minute, he was on the move again, hunting for the next opportunity to steal.

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