19. Match Made In Hell

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There was a leaf in her hair. Even the leaf looked like it belonged there - a bright green ornament lost in a thick foliage of brown. She caught me staring at her and smiled - a wide pretty smile. I was so envious of her. Yet I admired her. My best friend, Avika. She was so pretty, so strong and everyone loved her. I was just the lucky one who heard all her secrets and had her undivided attention. Giggling, she asked," What are you thinking about?" Even her giggle was sophisticated. I just smirked at her and winked. We were like carbon copies. She got me like no one else. Lame jokes, gossiping, making fun of the teachers - I felt so safe around her. So comfortable. 

After the class was over, we got ready for our next class. She started talking -" Naira, don't you think Sarah is being too much right now?"

I replied," I know right? She's so damn weird. Just sitting there staring at people without uttering a word. And have you seen her dance? It's hilarious."

Avi nodded with enthusiasm. " And what even is this teacher doing? She's so annoying."

I didn't actually mind our maths teacher, but I didn't want to argue with Avi, so I just nodded. Avi, looking pleased, turned back to the teacher.


Another boring day in hell. Even Avi was absent today. I sat with Leila in class. She was annoying, but there was no other option. Mia was busy talking in whispers to her friend.


Avi handed me a box during lunch. "I got this for you." I smiled at her as my heart warmed at her thoughtful nature. Her dark eyes glittered with a strange excitement as I dug into the pastry she brought. It was so delicious. I was drowsy throughout the last three classes. My eyelids closed on their own as my brain fogged. My immense happiness faded to nothingness.

I woke up with a start. The school nurse hovered over me, her forehead creased with worry. " You're awake? How are you feeling now?" I opened my mouth to answer, but nausea hit me as the nurse handed me a bucket. My lunch left my body and I felt sick. The nurse called my parents immediately and they came to pick me up. As I left the school, it occurred to me that Avi didn't check up on me at all.


I was feeling much better as I stepped out of the school bus. The raintree looked ethereal as it glistened with dew. I smiled as I spotted Avi. She was busy talking to Rita, who looked like she wanted to escape. I waited patiently for Avi to look at me, and when Rita finally noticed me standing there, Avi waved and made her way to me. "Hi, Naira! You know, you missed so much. Look at this! I bought a new ring." And so on. She didn't ask about my health, so I told her about it.

"It was so painful. And so sudden! God knows what happened." Her smile grew sly as she calmly replied," I drugged your pastry."

I stared at her, dumbfounded. "What?"

"Yeah, it was just for fun though. Why are you taking it so seriously?" Irritation crept up on me like a cold wind, yet I smiled at her and said," It was fun. It's fine."

She smiled and looped her arm through mine, and all was well again.

Later that day, Rita approached me, her face wary. She said, " Look, I know you're really close with Avi, but there are so things you need to know. She talks shit about you behind your back. She even drugged your food." The irritation that was simmering inside all day grew as it burned. I snapped. "What we do is none of your damn business. You think you're helping? No, you're just nosy. Stay out of it." I glared at her. How dare she?! Does she really think she can break us apart? Well, she's got something else coming her way then. I pushed past Rita, leaving her annoying frustrated face behind.


I'd worked hard. It wasn't easy to dig up dirt on people. Especially not goody-two-shoes Rita. But I never backed down from a challenge. And the post was set. It would be uploaded in thirty minutes—and... time. Multiple pings signified Rita's slide to rock bottom. What better way to do it than revealing the pathetic songs she wrote about her 'sorrow'? I smiled to myself. As if she ever had a chance.


Dammit. The news of yet another teen murder pushed her songs to the background. These deaths were happening too often. They nicknamed the killer 'The Regina George Killer' as they liked to cover their victims in all pink. Ew. 

Avi was absent, again.

That evening, I went to her house. We lived nearby so I dropped in whenever I liked. She opened the door, her hair in a messy bun that somehow made her look even prettier. I wish I could pull off a bad hair day bun like her. "You came at the wrong time, I was about to wash my hair."

I replied," It's alright, I'll wait."

I sat down on the couch and waited for her, Seeing her phone, I couldn't resist the temptation and I opened it - but she had a password. Hearing the bathroom door open, I hurriedly kept it aside just as she entered the living room. She gave me a strange look, then asked me if I wanted to go to the park with her. 

Still reeling from my narrow escape, I agreed. Quickly changing into casual joggers and a cropped t-shirt, Avi joined me and we left her house.

It was dark when we reached the park. The only person there was... Rita?! She scowled at us and said," Haven't you done enough already? Now you're stalking me too?" Avi smiled calmly as she took a knife out. "This is the next stage, actually." I gasped and Rita's eyes widened in fear as Avi pinned her down in one fluid motion. The pieces of the puzzle slotted into place as Avi took out a bright pink cloth. 'The Regina George Killer'. Rita stopped struggling when she saw the cloth and her eyes turned to mine. "I'm not even going to ask you for help since I know it's pointless. My only consolation at this point is that your 'best friend' will frame you for this. Karma truly is a- " The rest of her sentence evaporated into thin air as Avi slit her throat. 

Then, she stepped towards me, as she slowly slit her arm. "Think fast", she whispered and tossed the knife at me. Then, she opened her mouth and screamed loudly. "Help! HELP ME!" Coming back to my senses, I tried to bolt as fear took hold of me. But it was too late. People had arrived. I screamed and kicked as the police took me away, tears running down my face.  I could see Avi in my periphery, her smile wicked.


The DNA on the bodies matched mine. Avi probably collected my hair and fingerprints when I was in a drug-induced sleep. That clever girl. That clever and pretty girl who was my best friend. I smiled at her as she stood on the other side of the glass panel. "So how's life, Naira? I got my hair done today, look." Her new hair looked amazing, as usual. I didn't really like bright pink, but it looked good on her.

 I wish I could pull off pink like her.

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