42. Tyranny

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Note - This is the first time I'm trying a poem, so please bear with me. This is a story in verse.


The crown that glints gold, 

Vast lands,

The things that you covet are not what you have. 

His crown will never shatter in your bloody hands. 

The price you have to pay is steep, 

But you would give anything

It's sweet

To have a taste of the forbidden treat.


Today you finally have the chance,

You'll honey your words, poison the tea

The ecstasy is unmatched,

Today is the day you'll remember your whole life.

Because today you finally conquered your dream,

Today your throne is marred with his blood,

And he's sleeping forever in the stream.


Glistening gold, glittering jewels

Silk on your skin, melts like butter

High ceilings and your radiant joy

As you savour the things you could never enjoy.

Perfect scene, endless curtsies

As people bow down low

For the Empress, Eversol.


Grateful smiles, warm eyes

You wander around, giddy

Drunk on your people's happiness.

They worship you and your tainted dreams

Dripping with blood, they're more like nightmares

And those who try to raise a voice,

A slash is enough to silence them forever.


Someone caught your eye,

His flowers adorn your hair,

Smile as bright as sunshine.

You would do anything for him

He's the water cleaning away your sins.


You have it all now

The jewels and the diamond, him

The sacrifices were worth it

To stand on this pedestal.

And as you sighed with contentment,

And took a sip of tea

His hand abandoned yours

And distorted into a twisted smirk

And the last thing you heard 

Were his soft whispers

That today he's finally conquered his dream.


And so it ended

The tyrant's life faded into nothing

With betrayal leaking down her eyes

She'd reaped what she'd sown.

Now she's sleeping soundly, forever, in the stream.

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