67. Bad

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After dinner, Bill Weasley and a male Auror walked the four back to their dorm. To be honest, Sloane felt a little silly, not being able to wonder around the school on their own. They did in previous nights, and they were perfectly safe. Although on previous nights, that thing didn't know her name. Draco was walking with his hand firmly gripped around his wand. Ready to defend Sloane against anything they came into contact with. Suddenly, he saw everyone as a risk. He knew the Great Hall was the safest place, protected from...gargoyles or whatever the fuck they were. All he knew was that they were dangerous. This man/beast was dangerous and he was interested in Sloane. Interested in her because she was Draco's soulmate. If he had never kissed her, never allowed himself to get close to her then she would not be in this position. She wouldn't be in danger right now. He fucking hated himself for that.

By now they had reached the dorm and just as Sloane was about to step inside she stopped. She looked to Draco as she realised that the feeling she had in her chest, in her heart was coming from him. Regret. Utter regret and disgust. The thing with Sloane's empathy powers is that she can feel these things but they don't exactly come with a clear cut explanation as to why they feel the way they do. Why for example, now that Draco had heard what they were facing, and now that he knew that the creature wanted them, did he feel regret? The only thing Sloane could determine was that he felt regret about the relationship. The bond with her that brought this demon into their lives. She couldn't move as Draco turned back realising she was not following. "Sloane?" He asked. She wasn't sure if she could look at him but he called her name again and she didn't have a choice. She looked up into his grey eyes, her own filled with pain. "What's wrong baby?" He asked.

"Empath remember?" She whispered.

Realisation dawned on him. She felt what he was feeling. And it looked to be breaking her heart. "No, Sloane. I just meant -" He could almost sense her own pain now. Heartbreak.

"Don't worry about it," she said as she stepped away from him and into the dorm.

She marched straight to her room, slamming the door behind her making Goose jump in surprise. "Sorry Goose," she sniffed. "I didn't mean to frighten you." She bent down to him. "We have to spend the night in the Great Hall. I am going to take your carrier and you pick whatever book you want to take, ok sweets?" The little niffler nodded in understanding and chucked the book he was currently reading behind him and climbed the shelf. As Sloane gathered pyjamas and her own book bag and wand he scurried along the top shelf pulling out a book and letting it fall to the floor. "That the one?" She asked and again he nodded.

"Perfect! Alright up you come," she smiled as she placed him on her shoulder and took her carrier and bag, heading back out to the dorm room where Harry and Draco were waiting with Bill.

"You ready?" Bill asked smiling. Sloane nodded. "Who is this?" Bill motioned to Goose. "He is a little sm-"

Sloane shook her head and her eyes widened in warning. "Too handsome to be a Niffler," Bill corrected.

"This is Goose. He is a little premmy and I am taking care of him. He is my companion." Sloane explained. "Goose this is Bill Weasley."

Goose stuck his hand out and Bill chuckled." Nice to meet you Goose." Goose shook his hand and then smelled it before smiling and running up his arm onto his shoulder. He sniffed again and then dived into Bill's jacket pocket taking out a foil wrapped square. "You're quite the charmer. It's a peanut butter and jam sandwich. My mother makes me one every day and I don't have the heart to tell her I am sick of them. Would you like it?" Bill held the sandwich up to Goose who beamed before taking the section Bill had just unwrapped and biting off the edge. He gave a purr of appreciation giving a little dance as he went.

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