Cheater Wife x Dying Male Reader

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Requested by: truereader40


The Night Will Be Over Soon


(Y/N)'s POV

I was laying in the hospital bed and watching TV.

Reporter 1: Today you'll see: On the world championship of cocktail mixing in Iran, first place once again took cocktail Molotov.

Reporter 2: Local doctors started a protest. Nobody knows what they want because nobody can read their signs.

Reporter 1: The yearly logic tournament has ended. The winner won, he was rewarded with a reward.

Reporter 2: But first: Somebody tried to steal the lion from the zoo. Two and a half men were caught.

The doctor entered the room. He came next to me.

Doctor: How are you feeling, Mr (L/N)?

I rubbed my eyes with one hand.

(Y/N): I uhh... I honestly don't know how to answer that... What would you do if you knew that you'd die in a few days?

The doctor sighed.

Doctor: I'd probably do my favourite things for the last time and say goodbye to my friends and family.

(Y/N): Hmm... Can i go do that?

Doctor: Of course. No reason to keep you in bed anymore. Especially since... we... can't do anything else to help. But be sure to come back until tomorrow.

I slowly nodded and stood up. I started walking towards the door.


I was walking toward my house and thinking about my wife, Natalie.

(Y/N)'s mind: She has always been quite distant. She didn't even came to check up on me once. I hope it doesn't hurt her when i tell her the news. Maybe we could go to our favourite places one last time.

I arrived home. I took out my keys and opened the door. Natalie was nowhere to be seen.

(Y/N): Where is she?

I went to check upstairs. I heard our bed creaking along with some moanings.

(Y/N)'s mind: Please... no...

The door to our bedroom was slightly opened. I peeked through it and saw a horrible sight.

Man: Damn, baby, you're so tight! Did your husband even used you?

Natalie: You kiddin? His sorry ass can't do shit! He's getting sicker and sicker in the hospital as we speak! I'm with him only for his money. And when he dies, i'll take everything!

My eyes filled with tears.

(Y/N)'s mind: How... How could she? I loved her with all my heart. I gave her everything.

I wiped my tears and stood up. When i went downstairs, i grabbed a pen and a piece of paper. I left my 'caring' wife a note.

Dear Natalie

I always did whatever i could to bring home the bread so you didn't have to work. Well, guess what. Your dream will happen soon. In a few days, i'll no longer be a part of this world. I hope the new man in your life takes a good care of you. Just to be clear, i won't leave anything for you in my will. Oh yeah, one more thing. Consider this our divorce.


I left my wedding ring on the note and went out.


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