Cheater Actress x Football Player Male Reader

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Requested by: ahnafakif9

This Luck Of Mine


Third POV

Announcer: (L/N) is running toward the gate. Rodrigez and Karnel are trying to stop him, but he manages to dodge it. (L/N) is getting closer. 10 seconds left.

(Y/N) kicked the ball.


The crowd cheered. The match ended with 3-2 for (Y/N)'s team. His team went to him and picked him up.

Team: (Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)!

Pavle: Good job, little brother. I knew it was a good idea to take you in.

(Y/N): Thanks, guys! Let's get outta here!

His team carried him out of the field, while cheering his name. (Y/N)'s smile was hiding his tears. The most important person wasn't here tonight. His wife, Gwen, didn't watch him win the match. He understood that she was busy with practices, but he always found time to watch them. She was dominant and overprotective, but he didn't mind. He found it cute. She always kept him away from other girls and called him 'hers'. But lately she's been acting distant and cold to him. He thought she was tired from practicing her roles all day.


(Y/N)'s POV

I came back home earlier than i thought. My friends were still out celebrating. I was too bummed out to hang out with them. Gwen was sitting on the table with another man.

 Gwen was sitting on the table with another man

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Guy: And then i said "that's not a camel, that's my wife"!

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Guy: And then i said "that's not a camel, that's my wife"!

Both of them laughed. Gwen finally noticed me.

Gwen: Hey, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Hey, uhh... who's that?

Gwen: (Y/N), this is my colleague, Scott.

Scott turned to me. He offered me his hand and i shook it.

Scott: Nice to meet you.

Gwen: He's in the country for a few months and will stay with us.

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