Cheater Yuno Gasai x Joker Male Reader

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Why So Serious?


(Y/N)'s POV

I was walking home with my friend Bruce. 

(Y/N): All i'm saying is that i don't really remember my past, ya know? I don't remember my childhood or how i met you or Yuno. It's like this is the first day of my life. You know what i mean?

I saw he was deep in thought. I playfully punched his arm.

(Y/N): Hehe, why so serious, Brucie?

He looked at me.

Bruce: (Y/N), i don't think you should trust Yuno as much as you do.

I raised an eyebrow.

(Y/N): What do you mean?

Bruce: I think she's dangerous.

I laughed.

(Y/N): Yuno? Dangerous? Don't make me laugh, dude! She's the nicest person i know. And besides, it's not like she ever gave me a reason not to trust her. 

Bruce: If you think so. I just care for you, man. You're my friend and i should look out for you.

(Y/N): Aw, that means a lot.

We reached Yuno's house.

(Y/N): I'm gonna ask her out on a date.

Bruce: Alright. I have to go home anyway. My parents will get mad if i'm late. Again.

We bro-fisted. He started walking away.

Bruce: See ya next week at school.

(Y/N): Yeah. Bye, Bruce.

I walked up to Yuno's door. I was about to knoc, but i noticed it was slightly opened.

(Y/N): What the-?

I slowly opened it. It was dark inside. I slowly walked in. I went straight to her room and placed an ear at the door. There were bed noises coming from inside.

(Y/N): Hm?

I heard Yuno's moans. My eyes widened.

(Y/N): No...

I slowly opened the door. Inside was Yuno. But she wasn't alone. Our classmate Yukiteru. They were having sex in Yuno's bed. Yuki saw me. He told Yuno i was there. She saw me.

Yuno: Oh... (Y/N)...

(Y/N): Yuno... What are you doing?

She stood up and walked up to me... still naked. I got flustered.

Yuno: You must have a lot of balls showing up here.

(Y/N): W-What are you talking about? 

She put her clothes on.

Yuno: Don't you know?

(Y/N): Know what?

She pulled out her phone and showed me some chats.

Yuno: Yuki showed me your chats with some girl named Ayano. You are saying that you enjoyed the last time you were together. Got anything to say in your defence?

I laughed.

(Y/N): Are you serious? I'd never-

She punched me in the face and i fell to the ground.

(Y/N): Agh-!

She pulled out a knife and sat on top of me.

Yuno: You have the nerve to lie in my face? 

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