Cheater Female Cartoon Cat x Male Reader (Part 2)

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Tapes Of Old


(Y/N)'s POV

I managed to get out of the vat, but couldn't find Seymour. I dragged myself away toward the exit. I passed a broken mirror and got startled when i saw my reflection.

 I passed a broken mirror and got startled when i saw my reflection

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I slowly walked back up to it. I touched my face.

(Y/N): Is that... me? 

I closed my eyes and tried to recollect what happened. I remembered everything.

(Y/N): This fucking cartoon cat. Who the hell does she think she is?! 

I looked at my teeth. They were cartoonishly huge.

(Y/N): Ooooh, once i find her i'm gonna put her in the ground for good.

I looked at my hands. I had a pair of them at the place of my legs.

(Y/N): Would you look at that. I'm a freak!

I headed for the exit. I was determined to find that feline and kill her. I was about to leave, but heard somebody crying. I went to check it out. After some walking, i found a little girl crying in a corner. She couldn't be older than eight. I hid in the shadows to not scare her. 

(Y/N): Hey...

She looked in my direction, but couldn't see me.

(Y/N): What's wrong? Why are you crying?

Girl: The cat- *Sniff* The cat took my mom *Sniff*

I gritted my teeth.

Girl: The only reason i'm still here *Sniff* is because she told me to hide.

She started crying again. 

Girl: *Through tears* But she'll come back and eat me.

I reached out and patted her head to comfort her.

(Y/N): It's alright, little one. She won't be able to.

I got closer. The moonlight revealed my face to her. She screamed and closed her eyes tightly.

(Y/N): P-Please... Don't be scared. I won't hurt-

???: Where are you, my dessert~?

I looked back and saw the damn cat looking for the girl. 

(Y/N): I'll be back in a minute.

I stood up and walked out. The stray didn't notice me.

(Y/N): Hey, cat!

She turned around and looked at me a little confused.

Molly: Who the hell are you?

(Y/N)'s mind: She doesn't recognize me?

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