Cheater Ex Wife x Secret Agent Male Reader

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Requested by: MasterPlan219


Agent's Code



(Y/N)'s POV

We were shooting the enemy agents.

Marcus: So, what have you planned for your anniversary?

(Y/N): Hehe, when i get back i'll take her and we'll go to a resturant, then we'll take a long walk, and after that's done...

I pulled out a small box.

Marcus: Dude, i'm flattered, but don't you think we're rushing it a bit?

(Y/N): Tsch. No, moron.

I opened the box. Inside were two plane tickets.

(Y/N): I'll ask her to come with me in Paris after we're back from our next mission.

Marcus gave me a thumbs up.

Marcus: You go, bro.

We returned to the shooting.


I was on my way back home.

(Y/N): Man, i can't believe we met just because we were assigned the same mission. What are the odds that we'd get married?

I parked my car. When i got out i saw another unknown car. I raised an eyebrow.

(Y/N): Huh... That's strange.

I entered the house. It was strangely quiet. I looked at my clock.

(Y/N): She can't be asleep, it's only 17:30.

I walked up the stairs toward our bedroom. I heard creaking sounds, so i took out my gun. I started hearing moaning as well. 

(Y/N)'s mind: No... Please don't be what i think it is...

I slowly opened the door without making a sound. My eyes grew wider. I witnessed my wife and our colleague, Jacob, doing each other on our bed. I dropped the gun i was holding. They turned back to see where the noise came from. Amy was shocked by seeing me. Tears came to my eyes and i faked a smile.

Amy: (Y-Y/N)? 

(Y/N): Hey honey, i'm home...

I picked up my gun.

(Y/N): Happy anniversary.

I started to leave. She covered herself with the sheets and tried to stop me.

Amy: W-Wait! 

She grabbed my arm.

Amy: P-Please, don't leave... I... I promise i won't do it again...

I looked at her and patted her head. My voice was emptier than ever.

(Y/N): Don't worry about it. If you two like each other so much then... who am i to stop you?

Amy: N-No, (Y/N)! My heart only needs you! I love you! Y-You were just too busy with work and... and...

(Y/N): I was working so hard for you. For us. I guess it doesn't matter anymore.

I yanked my arm away from her and went out of the house. She fell to her knees and started to cry. I pulled out my phone and called my boss.

(Y/N): Hey, boss. I'm quiting.

Boss: Why, (Y/N)? You are our best agent.

(Y/N): Something happened and i... i just can't... sorry...

Boss: Oh, okay... Hope you get better...

(Y/N): Thanks...

I hung up and crushed my phone.


Present time

After a few months i joined the agency we were fighting against. I quickly became their best agent. They wanted me for every mission. But they turned me into something else. Something... horrible.

Third POV

(Y/N) was back from his mission. He couldn't complete the assassination. He was sitting on his bed, thinking. His friend Amelie was on her way to his room.

Amelie: The first time he sees her, he runs. Coward... They find him, like always.

She entered his room without him noticing. She was about to touch him, but he grabbed her hand.

Amelie: So, you can still cry. I am almost jealous.

(Y/N): Don't sneak up on me like that. 

He sighed.

(Y/N): What do you want?

Amelie: You failed. You ran. They're not happy.

(Y/N): I... The mark. It was her.

Amelie: Who?

Amy: Who... 

(Y/N): Amy...

Amy: Who are you?

(Y/N): Amy (L/N)...

Amelie: Ha. You cry for that cheat-?

(Y/N): NO!

Amelie: ...

(Y/N): No. Sometimes... i forget what i used to be... what we used to have... but i saw her and-

He paused for a moment.

(Y/N): -knowing... once i was- not-

He started turning into a monster.

(Y/N): Not this- this fucking THING, this monster! I used to be a man, Amelie! I used to be-!

Amelie: Alive?

(Y/N): Ha... Hehe... It was a slip. I won't fail again. Next time.. I'll kill her, i will... i'll kill her...

Amelie: Shhh.

She hugged him.

Amelie: It is better to be dead like us, cherie. Nothing to feel, nothing to hurt. They'll forgive you this time. And they'll take it away, (Y/N)... you just have to ask...

To be the man who regrets?
Or the monster who forgets?

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