Cheater Catgirl x Small Mouseboy Reader (Part 2)

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A/N- I admit that this story has the potential of being it's own book. So if anyone's interested...


Tales Of Junkyard Jerky Vendor


(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up on the next morning. I found myself being hugged by Ember, who was hugged by Lola, who was hugged by Maddie, who was hugged by Lily, who was surrounded by Goris. I got startled and fell to the ground. They woke up.

Ember: Oh, hello.

(Y/N): W-W-What did you do that for?

Lily: That's our way to keep each other warm. And since we consider you a family as well, we decided to not leave you in the cold.

(Y/N): I uhh... thanks.

I stood up and dusted myself off. The others got up and stretched. I looked at my phone. I had 19 missed calls and 38 new messages from Bella. 

(Y/N): Damn. Whatever, she'll be fine without me. She made it very clear yesterday.

I looked at Lily.

(Y/N): Do you need me to help around with something?

Lily: You can help Maddie find some food. 

Maddie: I don't need any help!

Lily gave her a death glare.

Maddie: B-But if mom thinks it's a good idea then i suppose so.

Lily: Other than that, i think Ember's gonna go for a swim and Lola's going to work out. Oh, and Goris will be going on a search for new books. He really likes reading.

Goris: I found one called "Big Book Of Cheaters" by Wrenchin Lazarus. It looks kinda interesting.

A/N- Don't touch the 4th wall, Goris. It's not cheap.

Goris: Sorry.

(Y/N): I'm kinda hungry, so i'll go with Maddie. 

Maddie: Great, that way i won't have to look for a bait.

(Y/N): B-Bait?

She grabbed me and ran away.

Lily: Have fun, you two!

Small timeskip

Maddie was running through the woods on all fours. She was carrying me in her mouth. 

(Y/N): Y-You were just joking when you said i'd be the bait, right? Right?

She smirked.

Maddie: What's wrong? Scared?

I gulped. It's been at least half an hour since we left. The tension was killing me. I saw one of her teeth was black. Out of curiosity i touched it. She stopped running.

Maddie: Ouch! Don't touch that, moron! It hurts!

(Y/N): S-Sorry.

Maddie: Whatever, just keep your hands off of it.

(Y/N): Why don't you pull it out?

Maddie: I don't really know how, and if i tell the others they'll think of me as a weakling because i let one tooth make me plead for help. That won't happen.

I observed it a bit closer.

(Y/N): Hmm, it looks pretty loose. I can pull it out for you.

Maddie: I don't need your help, okay! 

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