Cheater Artoria x Male Reader x Barghest

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Requested by: Raikiri81


The Wildcat


A/N- Sorry if it's bad. I've never played Fate/Grand Order. Also, i'm not quite sure if the characters havy any powers, but you'll have.

Powers: Really strong punches, 9 lives.

That being said, here we fucking go.


(Y/N)'s POV

I was sitting alone on a dark path. I wasn't sure of which direction to go. I've forgotten where i was traveling to, and who i was. I could only remember my name. I looked up to see an elderly woman before me. She grinned toothlessly.

Woman: Now, your third wish. What will it be?

(Y/N): Third wish?

I was baffled.

(Y/N): How can it be a third wish if i haven't had a first and second wish?

Woman: You've had two wishes already. But your second wish was for me to return everything the way it was before you made your first wish. That's why you remember nothing. Because everything is the way it was before you made any wishes.

She cackled at me.

Woman: So, it is that you have one wish left.

I shrugged.

(Y/N): Alright. I don't believe this, but there's no harm in trying. I wish to know who i am.

Woman: Funny... That was your first wish.

The woman dissapeared. My head started to hurt. I started to remember everything.


Barghest's POV

(Y/N) and i were training at the ring at his gym. He managed to punch me a few times, but i was struggling to hit him. 

(Y/N): Come on, hit me.

I tried to hit him, but he dodged it.

(Y/N): What's wrong? You're getting a little slow.

Barghest's mind: (Y/N) and i were friends ever since we were kids. He taught me how to box. 

(Y/N): HA!

He punched me and i fell.

Barghest: Ugh!

Barghest's mind: But he's still too agile for me.

He helped me up.

(Y/N): Heh, sorry.

Barghest: Good workout.

He started leaving the ring.

(Y/N): One day you'll be a good boxer. Just keep using the fists.

I removed my boxing gloves.

Barghest's mind: How can i tell him what i saw? If he finds out what Artoria did behind his back...

I looked at him.

Barghest: No. He should know.

He opened a blender and put bananas, tuna fish, raw eggs and hot sauce in it. I went to him and he looked at me.

Barghest: It's not a good idea to eat raw eggs.

He started blending it.

(Y/N): What did you say, Bargie? You want some?

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