Cheater Girlfriend x Shy Male Reader (Part 2)

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Requested by: All of you, i guess...


Holding Out For A Hero


Silvia's POV

I could only stand there and watch as the light of my life was walking away from me. Is this how it all ends? Impossible. There must be more.

SIlvia: *Under breath* I won't let you go, my love... I know i've been a bad girl, but you can punish me. You can do whatever you want to me when we get back together. I will make sure no one stands in the way of our love. Hehehehehehe... Hahahahahahahahaha... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

The next day

(Y/N)'s POV

I reached the arcade where me and Johnny were gonna meet up, but he was nowhere to be seen. I decided to call him.

(Y/N)'s mind: Don't tell me you're sleeping again, Bravo.

Third POV

Johnny's phone: This is Johnny Bravo. HUH! HUAH! HAH! Man, i'm pretty. I can't talk right now, because i'm out with a girl. Please leave a message. *Beep*

A gloved hand crushed the phone. The same put Johnny's decapitated head on a table.

(Y/N)'s POV

(Y/N): Ah, great, now what am i gonna do alone?

I looked inside. It was mostly empty. There were only three guys and one girl. She was beating all the records on Guitar Hero.

(Y/N)'s mind: What? Somebody is playing that game besides me?

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(Y/N)'s mind: What? Somebody is playing that game besides me?

I walked closer to watch her performance. She made almost no mistakes. The song ended and she got a new high score.

Girl: That's how you do it!

(Y/N): Heh, not bad.

She looked at me.

Girl: Not bad? I totally destroyed that score!

(Y/N): Bet you can't beat me tho.

Girl: Oh yeah? Let's see what you can do! Loser buys lunch!

I smirked and grabbed the second guitar. The song started.

A/N- Sorry, i couldn't resist

The song ended. I was 600 point ahead of her.

Girl: Hmpf. You got lucky. 

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