Cheater Female Cartoon Cat x Male Reader (Part 1)

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Toon Catastrophes


(Y/N)'s POV

I was running from my girlfriend, or should i say ex girlfriend, Molly.

I was running from my girlfriend, or should i say ex girlfriend, Molly

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Molly: Come here, (Y/N)~ I won't bite~ At least not that hard~

I was holding my bleeding dog in my only remaining hand. He was barking and trying to scare her away, but to no avail. Tears were streaming down my face. I know she wants to kill me. I saw an old mall in the distance and headed there. I saw her grinning, but didn't know why. It doesn't matter. I must not let her catch me. I guess i should start at the beginning of our story.


I'm living in a world where most of the population has been turned into mindless zombies. Only 12% of humans in the world are still normal. We all survive in any way we can. We go scavenging for supplies, hunting, fishing, building, defending ourselves from the zombies and so on. I used to be with a small group, but when decided to go to Atlanta, i was against it. We wished luck to each other and went our seperate ways. While i was scavenging a place called "Pannucci's Pizza", i came across a small dog.

 While i was scavenging a place called "Pannucci's Pizza", i came across a small dog

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He started growling at me. 

(Y/N): Hey, boy. You sure do look hungry.

I pulled out a piece of dried meat and tossed it in front of him. He quickly ate it and came to me. I petted him.

(Y/N): Do you have an owner?

The dog whimpered.

(Y/N): I feel you. I'm by myself too.

I thought for a moment.

(Y/N): Wanna come along?

Dog: *Bark*

(Y/N): You're gonna need a name. I think i'm gonna call you... Seymour.

Seymour: *Bark* *Bark*

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