Cheater Grayfia x Goku Black Male Reader

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Requested by: Mhablackhero


The Betrayed Servant


(A/N)- Please forgive me if some things are not accurate or don't make sense. I've never watched either shows. Everything i know about the two worlds is from the wiki and other fanfics. It's gonna be bad so just prepare... mentally. That being said, i hope you enjoy ^_^


(Y/N)'s POV

Man: N-No! Please, don't-!

I crushed his skull with my foot. He was the last one of the village, my queen, Grayfia, sent me to burn down and kill all of it's villagers. I smirked.

(Y/N): Heh, too easy.

It has been a few years since she summoned me. I became her favourite servant. More like a lover to be exact. I confessed to her and she accepted my feelings. I heard crying, so i went to investigate. I reachd a pile of rubble. Beneath it, i found a small child. When she saw me, she started crying. I rolled my eyes and picked her up.

(Y/N): *Sigh* Don't worry, i won't hurt you.

She kept crying. I hugged her closer to my chest.

(Y/N): If she finds out you're alive, she'll make me kill you as well. I don't want that. And i'm certain you wouldn't want that either.

She stopped crying. I stood up and started walking back home.

(Y/N): You're going to need a name, aren't you? I guess i'll call you... Harley.

She giggled.


I came back. Grayfia was nowhere to be found.

(Y/N): Where the hell is she?

I went to the kitchen to get some milk for Harley. I had no clue on how to raise a child. Lucky for me, i ran into one of her servants there.

Servant: May i help you?

I handed Harley to her.

(Y/N): Could you keep an eye on her? I don't want Grayfia to order me to kill her.

Servant: I'll do my best.

(Y/N): Thanks.

I left Harley to the servant and went to our bedroom. As i approached it, i started hearing creaking bed noises. I gritted my teeth.

(Y/N)'s mind: That whore.

Purple flames appeared on my hands, as i began charging my powers. I bursted through the door. I saw Grayfia in bed with another man. They looked at me. I flew toward the man and grabbed him by the neck.

Grayfia: Stop, you idiot! You'll kill him!

(Y/N): That's the point.

I started tightening my grip. He was struggling to breathe.

(Y/N): I'll teach you to mess with me.

I was about to crush his neck, but Grayfia punched me. I fell to the ground. She stood in front of me.

Grayfia: How dare you interupt your queen?

I stood up.

(Y/N): And how dare you cheat on your partner?!

She tried to punch me, but i blocked it.

Grayfia: I created you! I own you!


 I sent her flying into the wall. I started leaving. She used her magic and summoned some sort of chains. They wrapped around my arms and legs. I tried to break free, but i couldn't. It was like my power went away. Grayfia came to me.

Grayfia: Oh, i don't own you?

She punched me in my stomach and i fell to my knees. 

Grayfia: Let's see how you'll manage without your powers.

She whistled. Four guards came.

Grayfia: Take him to the dungeons.

They dragged me away.


Timeskip 12 years

I was laying in a pool of my own blood. Ever since i've been bound by these chains, Grayfia has been beating me every day. The only reason i kept going was for Harley. She learned to use magic while she was growing. She stayed invisible almost all the time.

Harley: Hey, dad. I brought you your favourite!

She pulled out a small box.

Harley: Chiken nuggets.

I smiled.

(Y/N): Thanks, sweetie.

She placed a spell book in front of me.

Harley: I have great news! I finally learned how to free you from her arcane magic.

I looked at her.

(Y/N): Are you serious?

She happily nodded. I smiled.

(Y/N)'s mind: After all these years... i can finally have my revenge.

(Y/N): Do it then.

She started her spell. My chains started to loosen up and soon fell to the ground. I felt my power coming back to me.

Harley: It worked! I can't believe it!

I patted her head.

(Y/N): Good work, little one. You deserve something.

I placed my hand on her head and transfered some of my power to her.

(Y/N): You'll have powers like mine now. 

She looked at her hands.

Harley: Wow.

I went toward the cell door. I tore it down. Purple flames formed around my hands. 

(Y/N): Prepare yourself, Grayfia. I am coming for you.

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