Cheater Catgirl x Small Mouseboy Reader (Part 1)

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Requested by: SayianShortStack


Of Mice And Women


(Y/N)'s POV

(Y/N)'s mind: *Sniff* Is that-? *Sniff* *Sniff* It is!

I looked around the corner.

(Y/N): *Gasp* Cheese! Lucky!

The cheese was on top of a trap, but i quickly snatched it before it could hurt me.

(Y/N): Hehe. Guess i'm too quick for you, eh?

I was about to eat it, but then i felt being lifted up. And i dropped the cheese.

(Y/N): Nooooooooooo!

I looked who lifted me up.

I looked who lifted me up

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Cat: Now i got you!

I was scared and arroused at the same time. My cheeks became red.

Bella: My name is Bella, and you, my little friend, are my next meal.

She brought me to her face.

Bella: Any last words?

She opened her mouth.

(Y/N): You're cute.

She got confused.

Bella: Huh? What did you say?

I pecked her nose. Her cheeks became red too.

(Y/N): I said that you're cute.

Bella: *Under breath* H-He thinks i'm... C-C-C-Cute?!

She passed out on the floor. I panicked.

(Y/N): Oh no, oh no, oh no! I think i broke her!

I lifted up her eyelids. They were showing only static. I quickly ran to the sink and brought back a glass of water. I poured it on her face and patted her cheek a few times. She finally regained consciousness. She looked at me and picked me up.

Bella: *Flusstered* Y-You think i'm cute?

I nodded.

(Y/N): The cutest even.

She looked down.

Bella: No one's ever... told me this. The other cats usually avoid me, because they think i'm a nerd.

(Y/N): Well, i beg to differ, i'd love to stay as close to you as possible at all times!

She got taken aback by this. I actually expected for her to eat me on the spot, but then she hugged me. I returned the hug shortly afte.

Bella: Thank you... I'm so glad i didn't eat you...

(Y/N): Heh, i am too.

She placed me on her shoulder.

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