Mizu Nagasu

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The job of a Pro Hero was nothing new to the Rule Hero: Lady Justice. Neither was sitting in her cafe and bar reading a magazine about the latest trends.

Ariyoshi Cafe and Bar, located in Deruta City, Tokyo run by Pro Hero Lady Justice is known for its high-end bar at night. The bar is open at 9 pm while the cafe at 8 am so the place is available to everyone almost 24/7. In a city where its population favors liquor over water, business was best at night. And rowdier.

Leading to the place wrecked by the time morning arrives.

Sayako mostly worked the day shift on weekends so she has time for the paperwork and school. Murakami Sara aka Lady Justice would sit in her usual seat, casually glancing at her great-niece through her color-tinted glasses while the girl prepared to open the place.

She tapped her finger on the magazine as she examined the girl. Hmm...

She wore a slight frown, restocking wine shelves and the inventory when a cry alerted her.

Soft cries of her feline friends from the back entrance had the girl pausing her work. As always, she couldn't resist and grabbed a bag of cat food from the bottom cabinet. With a small smile plastered on her face, she disappeared in the back. 

A while later she walked back in with a half-emptied bag of cat food and immediately went back to restocking the shelves.

No. This was definitely nothing new. 

As normal as her analysis sounded, there was something different.

"...at the USJ. Investigations are continuing..."

Justice reached for the remote just as Sayako started sweeping the wooden floors.

"In other news the young vigilante, Mizu Nagasu strikes again, capturing the most wanted criminal mastermind from the underground who was responsible for distributing illegal drugs overseas as well as in the country. Our news outlets understand that while Pros and Detective Tsukauchi were involved in the case, the situation had been wrapped up by the young unauthorized hero, blowing up the factory in the process. Police state that all evidence was mailed and faxed directly to them right after the capture.

Eye witness reports state the vigilante had disappeared as soon as the Pro Heroes made an appearance on the scene and citizens are praising her as her fan base continues to grow. This unfamiliarity of the so-called hero also strikes fear in some as there are protesting against the act of vigilantism.

The footage shows the victims suffering hard blows to the head and limbs after being violently assaulted by the vigilante. Detective Tsukauchi expressed his disappointment after concluding they couldn't receive any word or statement from the victims as they remained hospitalized.

It begs the question for today's poll.

Should vigilantes be pardoned for their irresponsible acts of justice despite causing fear in some hearts?

In other news, the UA Sports Festival has been-"

Sayako switched the channel and threw the remote on the table. Not even the calming coffee scent of the cafe could ease her mind as she continued to sweep the floor next to Murakami. Her violent work raised specks of dust in the air.

"Oi!"  she cried out "I could've sneezed out a heart attack just now."

The girl continued her way behind the counter ignoring the remark.

"So uncivilized." The woman moved to sit on the stool, her silver locks glistening in the sun's rays. "What's gotten you all pent up? Don't you think Ariyoshi deserves some good service after last night? You even gave those cats a smile."

Sayako narrowed her eyes at the woman. "You're so observant why don't you tell me?"

Murakami opened her magazine again. "I see Mizu Nagasu went out again. Naruhata?"

Naruhata is a city located in Tokyo. Quiet place since the expressway opened 10 years ago and barely anyone used the local roads anymore. Although it was developed later on there are still cases of big-time criminal activities.

Sayako put the mugs in place, her tongue's tip tracing her upper teeth. The news of her vigilantism reached the news but Justice definitely knew about it the minute she made her move.

"I don't know. Were you there, Pro Hero Lady Justice?"

Murakami eyed her as she continued her coffee-making progress moving back and forth to the counter. 

"Also, those 'victims' deserved it. They're a whole gang threatening the lives of most women in the area. It's disgusting."

"Oh, hush you." Her voice was stern. "I don't want my great-niece wacking beehives because of a bee sting..."

"They would've drugged the whole city!"


Sayako's shoulders settle down and her eyebrows lifted. Preventing another drug incident had been on her mind a few nights before. She had been tracking down the criminal who had given BatWitch the last drug that resulted in the final breakdown of her body. All that was left of her was dust...

The officials had ended the case as a drug overdose and with her quirk, she ended up frying herself. Sayako mentally scoffed when she found out.

As a hero in training, even investigating the case would be futile. But as Mizu Nagasu her will was unlimited.

She didn't even bother attending the rest of the class that day since nothing important would occur after the festival. The class also got two days of recuperation from the event. Repairs for the stadium also began as soon as investigations had finished.

Still, no excuse for running off to blow the place.

"Sorry for sneaking out..." she mumbled.

Murakami sighs and watches the youth pours the coffee into the mugs. Her hands glistered with tiny ice particles and the slight redness of frostnip showed through the swollen skin.

"Vigilante work isn't really trendy anymore don't you think?" she noted closing the magazine.

The girl paused her stirring and sighed. "Are you planning on converting every vigilante into heroes?" She flings the spoon to the sink.


"Saya. I'm saying this because of Hatsuye. She would've wanted you to be a hero. You wanna save a life? Be a hero."

Sayako shifted her weight at the name and drank some coffee. Hatsuye was her mentor that allowed her to fight side by side as vigilantes. She named herself Nyx. As a vigilante, she was free to do what she pleased, to go the extra mile. She had wanted to stay with Nyx forever but that dream went up in flames on the day of the entrance exam. 

Nyx hadn't made another appearance since.

"Yeah right. She was a vigilante and she loved it when I was at her side."

Murakami gave a small smile at the memory. "I know this society is screwed up but one person can't do anything. Even I'm limited with my quirk. I may have the willpower for it but I can't act solely on emotions or it'll affect more innocent lives." 

She drank her coffee.

"I don't want you acting solely on emotions. Ok, kid?"

Sayako started cleaning the glass and glanced at the woman. "Don't drink another mug. Too much coffee will kill ya." 

The woman ruffled the girl's bicolored hair, noticing an unusually slight hint of reddish brown in between the black. "Don't you have a place to open up?" 

Sayako lifted her finger and a water whip flipped the switch near the door, illuminating the opening sign.

The elder rolled her eyes with a smirk and lightly hit the girl's shoulder with the magazine. "You're getting lazy, kid. And don't forget the flowers."

Keys were brought out and the back door opened with a slight creak. The owner disappeared upstairs as Sayako grabbed a newspaper.

Only the flipping of the paper can be heard while the tv played reruns of an old sitcom in the background.

"Alone at last."

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