A Mutual Understanding

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Tonight was swell.

Class 1-A was cheering up Tsu.

While Sayako was between the wall and Bakugo's wrath. 

Filled with rage, he lashed out at her for not saving him in the Forest Camp, choosing to save her own life in exchange for his.

He pinned her against the wall with a hand below her neck while Sayako showed no signs of stopping him, instead allowing him to let out his anger like he always does everyday in class.

"You were right there. How did you not reach me? Unless you handed me over!"

"If you're so smart," she finally said, "why didn't you do as you were told and step down? You could've avoided all of this altogether if you hadn't run into danger."

He sneered at her. "You ran off just when that cat-lady gave the announcement! If that doesn't show your true colors then-"


Her adrenaline rose and kicked him in the stomach, releasing herself from his tight grip. She only meant to make him step back but he ended up flying to the other side of the room slamming against the glass of the courtyard.

"I was not a part of anything! I did not want to be a part of anything!" she stated.

His knees trembled as he stood back up, wiping the side of his mouth. He glared at her with both shock and rage and charged at her with a ferocious might. In between the hits and dodges, she continued to speak.

"You think you're more powerful and badass just because you have some explosion quirk? The quirk doesn't matter if you choose to just be some high-tempered jerk to everyone! Man, you have no idea how much I hated that." 

Seething with anger, he spoke. "So you did hate my guts! Must've been glad I got ridiculed in front of everyone!" With a swift move, he landed a kick at her and she was flung against the counter.

Sayako could've walked away then and there. Her brain gave her the option. She had told the others that she was going to feed Honey and had planned to.

Bakugo didn't seem to be making another move but he kept blurting out insults and accusations at her and his crimson eyes gave her a warning. 

Like a snake waiting on its prey's next move.

She shuddered at the thought.

However, she stood still. Behind those eyes, something else kept her from leaving. She didn't seem to care but was cautious when approaching him. He was ready for an attack but his eyes said otherwise.

She stopped in front of him and watched mindlessly at his eyes as he slowly stopped shouting. As scary as it was, he reminded her of herself when she confronted Hawks.

He let out a 'tch' sound as she tilted her head. "What?!" he growled out.

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