Rescue and Captured

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Homura did not know what she was looking at. Or who.

The fight between she and Sayako brought up past memories that linger on even after they raced to the break room. As amazingly developed as her quirk was, that did not surprise her.

Sayako was never this talkative. 

As soon as she entered the break room, the girl was surrounded by the rest of her classmates and was occupied by the group just as Homura was with her class.

Back in the orphanage, Sayako never be seen with a group or even someone else. She would be found alone on a tree, indulging herself in dreams or just a book - both being distractions from the other kids. 

One day, Aki followed her and woke the girl from her afternoon nap by throwing small rocks. Flashing her wide missing front tooth grin, Aki waved at the sleeping girl only for her to shift her sleeping position.

Since then, Aki would bring along snacks and books to Sayako whenever she could. Even dragging along Homura. She was deemed quirkless at that time and was outcasted by the other children. But with Aki playing pranks and Sayako not caring for the next meal, Homura made sure both were taken care of.

The three were always stuck together but Sayako would always be distant and not talk much even to them.

The echoes of their intense battle during the first exam shook her thoughts away. The clash of their quirks and the adrenaline-pumping struggle were engraved in her memory. And yet, in the admits of the chaos, Sayako's words lingered.

 "I might consider a new beginning for both of us..."

Sayako's willingness to start anew, despite the unresolved past, had struck Homura as both perplexing and profound. 

Despite that, a sense of warmth crept into Homura's heart. It was strange for Sayako to let a problem like this go but happy that she had the will to move on.

She on the other hand had been guilty after the Doctor gave her Aki's quirk. Before Sayako was put to sleep that day, she didn't want Aki to go through with the experiment no matter how hard Homura tried to reason with her.

It took Homura after the surgery to realize that it was a cruel and twisted quirk experiment.

Despite the complexities of their shared history, Homura found herself yearning for a future—a future where they could fulfill their promise to Aki to make a brighter tomorrow.

"Aki...your memory will live on as a hero..."

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