Knights at the Round Table

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Ochako, Tsuyu, Midoriya, and Kirishima had just entered the reception room at Ryukyu's agency. Clueless and alert, the group scanned the room filled with Heroes including Tamaki, Mirio, and Nejire.

Sayako had just walked in from the elevator after learning Aizawa was also among the Heroes. Seeing him, the investigation from the night before reflected like a fresh memory. 

According to the research in the labs, Aizawa was also considered a worthy candidate for the bullet. Is it wise to bring him along?

"Wait, Saya? You're here already?!"Ochako observed.

The teenager turned at the sound of her name, her red locks shifting off her shoulders. Seeing that Ryukyu remained silent she repiled. "Uhm..yeah...I spent almost half the night here. It has to do with the case we're dealing with." She glanced at Aizawa and back at them. 

Nejire hung onto Ryukyu. "I know you said there's a meeting but what's it about."

"Patience Nejire," the Hero smiled. "This was supposed to be some days later," she further explained, "but after receiving additional information, we agreed that now would be the perfect time."

Nighteye's gaze darkened as he approached the group. "It is sudden, but it has to be done now that the investigation has progressed substantially. We've invited you all here for a joint conference to share the intel we've acquired regarding the Yakuza group, Shie Hassaikai, and their plans."

"Hold on, I feel like I'm missing something..." admitted Kirishima. 


Sayako sat between Ryukyu and her classmates at the rectangular table in the meeting room. As the rest of the Heroes fill the seats, Bubblegirl, Nighteye's assistant, gives a brief introduction about the Shie Hassaikai and their agency's investigations.

A Round Table of Heroes.

In an ancient and repetitive tale, The Round Table of an Ancient King comprises his faithful and trustworthy Knights. There was no head as it said the King wanted the Knights to assemble with an equal status, unlike others that were seated based on rankings.

But this wasn't a round table. It had sharp edges instead of smooth curves - a rectangle of Heroes and Heroes in training.

"What's the HN?" asked Ochako.

"Stands for Hero Network," explains Hado, "It's an online service that can only be accessed by pros..."

As she continued, a small grumble was heard from across Sayako. One of the Pros seated next to Izuku seemed to be rather impatient. She picked up the sound of foot tapping under the table and his fist clenched in his folded arms. 

She didn't blame him, as she too also felt the meeting was going nowhere. She had hoped to gain some distraction by remembering a classic novel she read ages ago as a kid. But everything fumbled when the thought of Eri came to mind.

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