Discovering the Bloody Fam-tastic Experiment

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Mizu Nagasu shot a glare at Chrono from her seat. 

If his boss - or rather their boss - wasn't on his desk a few feet from them scribbling away reports and whatevers, Mizu would've jumped across the coffee table and shoved the fork down his throat

Eri sat next to the aide with a closed-shut mouth letting out strained protests against Chrono feeding her. For the last few minutes, he had been trying to get the girl to eat some apple slices from the fork to no avail.

Every attempt resulted in the same: Eri refused to eat.

Mizu gripped her forearm tighter and groaned. "Could you at least be gentle?"

After a few more fails, an echo of a stack of papers was slammed on the desk. "Chrono," Kai warned, before furiously scribbling down something.

The aide sighs and gives up. "It's not me. The brat doesn't want to eat."

"Have you treated her nicely before?"Mizu retorted.

He glares at her and rests the bowl of apple slices on the table before crossing towards the desk.

"Nothing seems to work," Kai scoffs, as Chrono collects the finished paperwork, "I've given her everything a child could ask for, spoiling her rotten even." 

He shot Eri a glare as Chrono left the room.

"Perhaps try not being so intimidating?" She suggested, leaning against the couch. "And a bit nicer? Kids tend to take a liking to someone if they treat them nicely. Besides, if her training scares her, it's the least you can do."

Footsteps were heard and he handed Mizu a bowl of fruit, the sudden action made her almost drop the bowl. "Feed her, then," He spoke with a calculating expression., "Show me your method."

As he sits back at his desk resuming his work, Mizu switches seats and lifts the fork with the apple slice. Eri whimpered a bit and leaned towards it but withdrew immediately. 

Kai scoffs and Mizu felt a sinking feeling in her chest.

But she doesn't try again. Instead, she puts down the bowl on the table and kneels on the ground in front of her. Eri was curled into a ball on the furthest spot on the couch, her palms on either side of her face, as if hiding her face. 

Mizu also picked up a small rumbling sound in her stomach and her tiny body shaking twisted her own stomach.

She is hungry but afraid...

"Eri? It's just me. We don't have to eat if you want. But I can't let you stay hungry for long." She sits cross-legged on the ground. "Seeing you scared actually reminds me of a friend of mine."

Eri lifted her face just a bit and Mizu could see her wide red but puffy eyes and dried tears under them.

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