Plan A: Panic Plan B: Run Plan C: Throw a Bomb

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Happy Belated Father's Day to your father-like figures

I love you guys!


Saya has started to not be like Mizu Nagasu when dealing with hero-related work.

Would she be able to abandon being a vigilante?

Also, there will be more Tokoyami screen time and then after there is a Mizu Nagasu Rising arc which is coming soon!

Panicking was not something Mizu Nagasu did. She would be thinking; examining her surroundings for any signs of her target. But now Sayako was fidgeting and tinkering with a small cylinder gadget while walking down the road in a random direction. After tinkering with each gadget, she drops it at random places - like a trail of breadcrumb - on rooftops, pavements, and inside bushes.

She figured if she was focused on one thing her senses would quiet down a bit. And it's working. Her heart rate had decreased as the clicking of the gadget put her at ease. She wondered if Yaoyorozou could make something like this. The last time she was with her team Yaoyarozou had run in a different direction at the sight of their teacher hanging upside the lines while Todoroki distracted him.

Wonder how those two are doing?

She continued her little alteration of the trinket.

No idea where it came from. She was water sprinting and bumped her head on a box on the ground with some tools, parts, and gadgets and started tinkering on it like the many others before it. Maybe someone left it there on purpose...

"For a prestigious hero school this smoke screen thing is so cheap looking," she mumbled picking at the fuse. It's shaped like a spray can with the smoke in a filler. Now there was a fuse on top which act as a trigger after a disturbance. Very old fashion. It would've been better if it was the upgraded model.

She held it up examining her work. "Who uses this nowadays? Honestly."

"Planning on using it anytime soon?"

"Oh hush you I'm trying to thin-" Her brain processed it too late. She made a tiny squeak from behind her throat.

Standing a few feet ahead of her with his capture weapon raised up and ready was Eraserhead.

Shit! What's the plan? What's after A? H?"

The capture weapon came at her and she flipped in time pelting the gimmick at him before running off. He caught it without any trouble. "A broken smoke screen gadget?" Unimpressed with the student's attempt to distract him, he prepared his bindings until


The sound rang in her ears and Sayako turned a corner. She had no time to think whether the gadget was supposed to do that or not. Eraserhead was on her tail. He leaped across roofs and buildings, triggering each bomb one after the other. Smoke gathers around, stifling her. Was he using the smoke against me?  She blocked her nose with her elbow and looked around for higher ground. She launched upwards but was held back by his bindings almost losing her balance on the asphalt.

Nevertheless, she still ran, leading him to lean against a bush and another BLAST went off.

He falls to the ground with a grunt, the cloth loosening. Her senses went mad as he remained unfazed but Sayako used this time to run.

She sprinted in a random direction, taking the rooftop route. Her speed was unmatched as water came back to her fingertips.

And there it was. An archway standing in all its glory with a big sign on top. The exit.

The Water Flows My Hero Academia X OC FanficWhere stories live. Discover now