A Usual Day to Confront Trauma

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This chapter contains topics that can be uncomfortable to readers. It is not direct but there are implied domestic violence and abuse. Proceed with caution until the second scene.


It was a usual day.

Or dream for that matter.

A room with litter piles that made it hard to notice the furniture, a mattress on the ground now dirtied, and sheets and random clothing hung against the windows.

Sayako frowned. This was home.

"Where is she?!"

All movement froze at the figure storming through the entrance.

The messy blonde hair, wide eyes, and tattered clothing with red feathers poked through the sleeves. There was no mistaking it.


He went to the other room and a female scream was heard. Mom?

She never wanted to get closer, but her body betrayed her, rushing to the door but the sight made her wince and turn her head.

She never liked his tantrums. It was so childish and petty. He was also drinking...

As the cries and wails continued, Sayako found a small figure under the table, squeezing her knees close to her chest fighting the urge to cry and make a sound.

Her back felt lighter that day. The day, Takemi tried to burn them alive.

Takemi then raised his hand for a final blow at the woman. 

And Sayako ran out the door, not wanting to see anything further.




Run Sayako...


The voices wouldn't stop. Instead, like hungry wolves at a sole prey, they edge closer to her.

For a never-ending forest, there weren't many options to get away. Sayako was running at a pace that matched her racing heartbeat. A sudden heat behind her alerted her of blue flames. It's said that if the flames were blue, it is the hottest, unlike the orange.

No matter how fast she ran, the path seemed to disappear in front of her as if the trees were shrinking the only pathway out.

Shrinking out the only light source, slowly leaving her in the dark.

Now there was nowhere to run. And somehow a current was pulling her back. Towards the blue flames, towards the cries, the screams.

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