Blood, Sweat and Blue Flames

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From 100 views to 1k views. Daanngg!

So to celebrate that occasion I am re-doing the first few chapters of this fanfic and I've recently re-uploaded the first chapter. 

Thank you so much for reading at this point and adding it to your reading lists. I am more motivated to write more chapters.

Thank you again and I hope you continue to enjoy this as much as I enjoy writing it



Grinning like a Chesire cat, Ronin tapped away on his phone rapidly leaving behind the echoing sound of texting reaching all corners of the warehouse. This abandoned space had been gathering dust and small intruders until the League found refuge in its empty and dark embrace.

The members were scattered around; Toga and Twice were in one corner, Spinner sat on a box cleaning his sword, and Shigaraki was seated on another with Kurogiri at his side.

"What are you grinning about?" The raspy and low voice came from the shadows.

Ronin paused his tapping with an annoyed frown and looked at the owner of the voice seated on a high stack of boxes. 


"Somebody special~" He replied, showing off his screen. "Strike one for me, purple skin. Haha!"

After the Kamino Incident, the League decided to ditch their old hideout for a new one. Police and Heroes already got the bar under tough surveillance so the group had to shelter in an abandoned warehouse in a corner of the city.

Shigaraki jumped down from his stacks of boxes towards Ronin. "This had better not be a disappointment. I don't want to waste time on ridiculous affairs."

Toga and Twice paused their mediocre bickering to listen in.

Ronin scoffed lightly. "Oh not a problem. You did approve of her after all."

"Mizu Nagasu, I assume?" guessed Kurogiri.

"Bingo~. She'll be here any minute now." Ronin started straightening his hair. "Anndd she takes after Stain! That's something most of us can bond over with right?"

Dabi rolled his eyes.

Toga squealed and played with her knife. "I'll definitely enjoy bonding with her!"

Spinner gained interest, showing himself under the light. "Any follower of Stain is indeed reliable. But this also should not be our undoing."

"Fair enough."


"Yay! She's here," Ronin announced.  "I'll be right back!" 

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