A New Chapter in UA

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"Trouble follows me everywhere..."Sayako mumbled through the constant aggressive mouse clicks and keyboard tappings.

"The one time," she continued, "The ONE time I stay put I'm actually caught up past curfew tracking down some asses...Aizawa's having my head for this."

Charlotte found a seat on her lap looking on as her human worked her computer to death, locating the ones responsible for disrupting Riyuu's sleep.

When All Might said Bakugo and Midoriya were missing, he also added the security system was down and her pen drive was found outside Bakugo's room. Now how did that reach there, one might ask?

The pen drive dropped from her pocket somewhere and Bakugo used it to disable the security bot and the environment sensors.

And now Sayako needed to rewrite the system and restore the programming because the firecracker ass deleted the coding instead of temporarily disabling it. At least he disabled the cameras...getting back the footage shouldn't take long...

"It's amazing to see technology evolve throughout the years!" All Might said. The former Number 1 was behind her chair looking on in marvel as she worked.

"Agreed," Sayako nodded, a smile slowly crept in the corner of her lips.

Her PC competed against the models everyone used and could take in every form of AI programming one could even dream of and hacking into systems like this was child's play - another perk from the A-Island partnership.

But the praise wasn't enough to ease her intense emotions as she sped up her work again and the mouse clickings grew aggressive again.

"That firecracker ruined my sleep," She mumbled through her teeth. "That dumbass, spikey-haired, red bull-eye looking son of a-"

"Young Hisakawa. It's up!"

She huffed out a sigh as she sneered at the cameras.

Finally, the five-minute work of transferring re-activation codes into UA's surveillance system bears fruit. The bot was rebooting but the cameras revealed the scene at Ground Beta.

Bakugo and Midoriya commenced a fight followed by an explosion and many other explosions crumbling parts of the training area to pieces.

"The bot will take a while to alert Aizawa," Sayako observed.

"I'll let Aizawa know about it. I feel most responsible for this so I'll get the boys." All Might said.

A yawn escaped her lips. "Go ahead. I'll text him."

All Might rubbed his neck. "You've already done enough to help tonight, Young Hisakawa. I can go down and-"

Something tickled her nose. Ahhchoo!

The Elder Hero jolted. "Whoa! Are you alright?"

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