Attack of the Villain Squad

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Uploading a day early cause I wouldn't be able to tomorrow



After dinner, the students and teachers gathered together for the Test of Courage challenge. She walked with Aizawa to a clearing in the forest. 

The moon was bright enough to light up the pathway among the dark woods. And the ambient sounds of water flowing somewhere, a hint of an owl's call, a few critter feet chattering away softly greeted her ears.

As peaceful as it sounded Riyuu was not having it tonight.

Leading to her senses going off on anything and fidgeting with a pebble in her hoodie pocket was not working.

"One thing you should know about me. I prefer to be the scarer, not the scaree!"

A twig snapped. "Kahh!" She flew up and clung onto a branch of a tree.

Aizawa squinted at the student's sudden loss of courage. "What are you doing?"

"Clinging onto a tree branch."


"I heard something and I don't like it! It doesn't sound friendly!" She whined as she tightened her grip.

"Don't vigilantes work in the dark?" Aizawa whispered.

Her voice pitched high. "There are no forest in the Underworld. Can't you go in and makes sure there's nothing out of the ordinary? Please?" 

"No," he blurted out, "Train your willpower against that fear."

He walked ahead of her before calling out again. "And don't wander too far from the path."

She could hear slight snickering from him as he walked away. I despise that man.

With a defeated sigh, she lowered herself to the ground.

Train my willpower... She took a deep inhale, holding it for a few seconds before letting it out. Unfortunately for her, peace didn't come easy. There were too many distractions.

First, her ears rang like a small siren or a goat cry thing and winced at the sound. 

Next, she felt some odd movements from the water underground. 

And finally, the worse of them all: Curiousity. 

The forest was dark but there was something that was drawing her in. Like an invisible force of a rope tied to her and slowly dragging her deeper.

Was it the unknown surrounded by darkness? Curiously she made careful steps forward.

"You've gotta be kidding me!"

Jerking out of her thoughts, she rushed to the clearing and spotted Mina with the rest of the remedial class being dragged away by Aizawa. Rest in peace Mina.

The Cats declared the rules of the Test of Courage game and had everyone choose numbers randomly.

A sudden cold poked her arm and she jumped again. "Epp! Oh, Midoriya I am really sorry. I'm a bit jumpy tonight."

The boy dismissed it, not taking the reaction at heart. "I get it. The night isn't as friendly as it looks compared to daytime," he said, "Looks like we are a team." He pointed to the paper in her hands. 


She stole a quick glance at the forest before focusing on him and shoved her hands in her hoodie pocket. "Yeah, I suppose we are."

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