Through the Lens

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"...Don't rush the process, just go with the tide. Your emotions were valid that night and it still is."

These were the only words that continuously pounded into Tokoyami's head. A distant thundering rumble was enough to drag the atmosphere deeper into a dark, void of emptiness and despair.

He was just like this back at the hospital. Delving into thoughts from the League's attack, staring mindlessly at the sky, and leaning his weight against the wall. The only difference was that Sayako did not shatter the low ambiance.

Now the scene at the exam repeated. She was right there in front of him and could've taken her away from the scene but all he could do was brush his hand over hers. Not even enough to pull her in.

The clouds in the sky grew darker and he moved away from the window.

He sat down on the chair and his knee almost knocked down the vase on the coffee table.

Shoto looked at the flower in the vase as it rattled a bit before standing still again.

It was small and yellow.

It seemed just yesterday when Sayako gave him sunflowers for his mother. The boy was baffled she had known about it but accepted the gift nonetheless.

The flowers didn't go to waste either as his mother's smile seemed brighter than before the previous visits.

She was right. Sunflowers do brighten up every room...

Momo, despite her calm demeanor, was sunk in her thoughts. Sayako must be at her lowest right now.

Just like she was at the Practical Exam. But like Sayako's encouragement, she wished to do the same. 

She had also noticed Sayako taking a liking to Midoriya's notebook and excessive explanations. Although, hardly understandable, she remembered what Sayako had said: 

'Why would I be offended? Gathering intel is what heroes do to adjust to a situation. Every time they enter villain territory, one needs to be prepared..." 

There's no doubt that she's innocent. And even if she weren't I would still consider her a part of class A...

Kirishima seemed more despondent than any one of them.

He sat with his forehead resting on the bridge of his hands. Eyes closed shut, he wanted to shun away any image he had of the police station.

There was no way the same girl who was arrested by the Commission was the same that day. He remembered it like it was yesterday. 

During Computer Tech class, the teacher had them choose to team up or do it themselves and Sayako teamed up with him for the assignment.

He didn't understand why she would choose to have a partner. Or even him for that matter. She had always topped the class and didn't hold back in showing it off either.

His mind drifted him from the police station to the quiet classroom during lunch.


Sayako sat at the desk in front of him facing him, watching as he wrote down basic programming concepts with a focused mind, leaning against her hand propped on the table.

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