Culture Fest: A Concert in the Making

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"Normal school stuff!" The class rattled the walls with their outburst and cheers as Aizawa mentioned UA's  Culture Festival.

The Culture Festival was a school event catered for the different courses to showcase their skills and abilities through various events. The common ones included Carnival games, small competitions, and even a Fashion show was allowed.

"Are you sure this is ok?" chimed Kirishima. He ignored Denki's protest against his comments and continued. "Think about it though, there are villains everywhere right now."

"They can't cancel something as big as the Culture Fest," Sayako lazily reminded him, "It's like a National school holiday."

As Aizawa zipped up his sleeping bag to his neck he noted another important detail. "This doesn't get as much attention as the Sports Fest but it's still the yearly event they look forward to."

"Many of your peers are feeling stressed out by the current conditions here at UA," he added. "Especially the dorm system which had to be adopted because of the Hero Course.

You may not be the focus this time, but your class still need to participate with some kind of original programming." 

With that finishing statement, he was snoring on the ground.

He's out!

Iida quickly took to the stage with Momo behind him. "Alright! As Class Representative, it is my duty to facilitate the process from here!"  

Unlike his loud announcement, Momo remained calm and collected as Vice Representative. 

Seeing her performing the role was like putting a puzzle piece in the right place. It felt right. When the results of the election came out, Momo had wanted to be Class Rep but Iida had already proven himself worthy of that part.

But as Vice Class Rep she was perfect for it.

"If anyone has an idea raise your hands!" Iida announced.

And the class went wild. Shooting their hands in the air like it was a competition. Sayako could've sworn she heard barking amidst the crowd.

"A maid cafe!"

"That's way too tame! A topless-"

Mineta was then tied up from the ceiling with a rope by Asui.

"A mochi shop."

"Arm wrestling match!"

And the suggestions just kept going, Sayako lost track of it.

"Hey, Saya," called Hagakure, "What kind of idea do you have?"

She propped her head on her hand. "I'm still thinking," she admitted. "But I'd say make sure it's not something that has a lack of energy or the same as the other classes. They tend to be very competitive when it comes to that."

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