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13th August 2011. 23:00. Gimnasio Pérez. Nogales. Sonora, México.

Third Person POV.

The bandage on her wrists was almost done, when Sophia heard a set of footsteps walking towards her. She knew those footsteps.

-¿Todavía te quedarás otro rato, Cam? (Are you staying a little longer, Cam?).- The familiar and sweet voice of Pedro, the owner of "Perez's Gym", and also the man who had been helping Sophia in the last couple of months, came through.

Sophia turned and smiled at him. He was a regular man, a little chubby, with grey hair on the sides and a moustache that looked taken care of for years. He had a kind smile that made Sophia trust the man almost instantly.

She felt bad, for not being honest, but she had no option, given that she had been under the radar for the last 8 months. After running some "errands" she found herself on the other side of the world, arriving at one of the most hidden and recondite places in the world, Nogales, Sonora. A small town situated on the limits of Mexico and the United States.

When she arrived, she needed to lay low for a bit, because in the middle of her journey, she felt she had been followed. She tried to find the one that was after her, but found no one. So, she decided to stop her hunt and lay low for a bit, in hopes that no one was after her.

The result of that, ending in her landing in this small town in a deserted bus station, falling asleep and then found by this kind man, who took her in and decided to aid her. Of course, she had to give him a false name and identity. Sophia wore a blonde wig and green eye contact lenses so she wouldn't be recognized. Hopefully, that was enough for her.

-Sí, sólo un poco más, si no te molesta. (Yes, just for a while, if that's okay with you.).- Sophia answered in Spanish as she finished tying her bandage.

Pedro smiled and nodded.

-Sí, no pasa nada. Sólo hazme un favor y cierra cuando termines, ¿de acuerdo? (Yeah, it's okay. Just do me a favor and close when you're done, alright?).- Pedro asked and Sophia nodded.

He took the keys out of his pocket and threw them at Sophia. She caught them gracefully with one hand and smiled at the man.

-Claro que sí. Gracias, Pedro. (Sure thing. Thank you, Pedro.).- Sophia said as she smiled at the man. The man smiled back and waved, then walked out of the door.

Sophia let out a breath as she shook her head.

She felt bad for lying to this man, mostly because he had been nothing but really nice to her and she was just lying.

But it had to be done like that.

She couldn't risk him. Even less if someone was following her.

She placed on her bandage pins so they didn't fall off and walked towards the punching bag. Cracking her neck, she gave a few small jumps and started throwing light punches at the bag.

As she punched the artefact, she thought of all the things she had done in the last week.

On Monday, she went out to look for any traces or clues that could help her in the "Eye of Morok" mission, but she had come out empty handed.

On Tuesday, she called Tony, letting him know she was okay and safe. Also, that she was at the same place she had been in for the last month. She missed her brother, more than anything. The realisation that they had never been this long apart after her days in Daylight hit her like a truck and for a moment, she questioned her decisions.

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