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December 2012. 23:09. Stark Mansion, Malibu. Los Angeles, CA.

Sophia's POV.

S.H.I.E.L.D and I.I.S.A teams had arrived hours ago at the house along with the FBI. The fire department and L.A.P.D had been going around the scene for the last hours.

I was standing at the edge of the house, looking down at the sea. I was hoping it could bring me some peace, the colour, the sound, like it always has.

But now?

Now I just want to jump and let it cover me completely, swallow me into the depths of the air and never let me come back up.

I feel numb, once again. Like my whole body just shut down and I'm on autopilot. My head hurts and my body feels heavier than normal. It's like my whole world just came crashing down, which in some way, it did.

Tony is gone.

The Mandarin won.

Or at least that's what he thinks.

A newfound wave of rage and anger are starting to take over me and as much as I try to push it down, it's not budging. The word vengeance keeps flashing in my head like an intermittent light and my vision is turning red once again.

My brother is gone because of some terrorist and I don't plan on standing here, wallowing in self pity and pain while he is still out there.

I am feeling broken, empty, and like every reason and will I have to live has vanished completely from my body, my soul now just a distant memory of the shell of a person I am. It's been hours since the accident but the pain is still fresh.

I shouldn't have left. I should've stayed. Maybe I could've done something. Maybe if I had been here, Tony would be too.

Turning to my left, I'm met with Pepper, her arms are crossed over her chest as she walks to stand beside me. Her eyes instantly looked ahead of her. None of us says anything. We don't know what to say and even if we do, there's no need, because she knows I'm the only one who can understand her pain just as she can understand mine.

Turning to look at her, I see her cradling something in her arms and my heart breaks.

Tony's mask.

Before I can say anything, an agent approaches me to ask something regarding the attack. The last thing I want or need right now, is people pestering me with questions. I don't want to talk to anyone. In the distance I see my uncles speaking to someone from the FBI, one of their contacts and I can't help but fight the urge to just run to Pierre and hug him.

I don't even remember what the agent asked me. Something along the lines of them searching the area to try and find Tony or whatever is left of him. I just nod and agree because I can't really process any sort of information right now.

And as the agent leaves my side, a shocked Pepper approaches me with Tony's mask.

-Sophie!.- She says and I look at her confused. Before I can ask any sort of question, she is placing the helmet in my head.

-Pepper, what the fuc– But I'm not able to finish, because she shushes me.

-Shh, listen.- She says and I look at the screen on the suit. And as a recording starts to play, my heart drops to my feet.

"Star. It's me. I'm okay, I'm alive. I'm sorry I can't be there or explain everything to you but I promise I will. I know it's Christmas season and stuff and I wished I could be there with you, at home. But I have to end this. You know it. I'm sorry I put you in harm's way and I'm sorry I couldn't protect you like I promised you I would. I already left a message for Pep so I hope this reaches you as well. I'm sorry for being stubborn and sometimes a pain in the ass, but I promise you, everything I do is for you. You and Pep are my world and I can't stand the thought of you getting hurt because of me. Which is why I can't tell you where I am. But you just need to know that this'll be over soon and I'll be home with my favourite women in no time. Just hang in there, okay? I'll be back, Star. I promise. For now, you just need to know I stole a poncho from a wooden indian. Take care and take care of Pep. I love you infinity, my Star. See ya soon"

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