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December 2012. 17:38. Miami, Florida.

Third Person POV.

Sophia was watching the water move under the boat they were sailing in. The small waves, white bubbles and foam it left behind.

She had changed her shirt and tied up her hair in a ponytail, the dry blood making it a little harder to handle. Her cuts had been taken care of with the help of Rhodey and even though it still hurt like hell, at least there was no blood dripping from her face anymore from her cuts. She felt like laying on her bed for weeks and not doing anything else for a very long time, but first they needed to get Pepper and from what she heard from Rhodey and Tony they were 20 minutes out.

Now, her brother and long time friend were talking to the Vice President and telling him about Killian's plan.

As she turned around and walked to where they were, she looked at them.

-Rhodes and Stark out.- Rhodey said before hanging up. -We gotta make a decision. We can either save the president or Pepper. We can't do both.- Rhodey said and Sophia's eyes almost popped out of her head.

-What? What are you talking about? There is no question in that. Pepper. We can always have another president but not another Pepper.- Sophia said firmly and glaring daggers at her friend for his comment.

-Sophie...- Rhodet started, but Jarvis' voice interrupted.

-Sir, I have an update from Malibu.- The automatic voice said and Tony just stared at Rhodey as he tended to what Jarvis had to say.

Sophia stared to the front, watching the open sea extend beyond them. Her arms were crossed in front of her and she was chewing in her bottom lip. Rhodey saw her and sighed, knowing what she was thinking.

-Sophie, I know this is not what you had in mind.- Rhodey said carefully and Sophia scoffed.

-That's an understatement.- She muttered and Rhodey looked at her with sorry eyes.

-But we need to do it. We can't be at two places at the same time.- Rhodey said and just as if it was magic, Tony spoke from the back.

-Yes we can.- He said and Sophia and Rhodey turned to look at him.


-This has to be one of the most stupid yet not so bad ideas you've ever had.- Sophia said as Tony, Rhodey and her watched from their spot at the back of the boat how the suit flew in the sky towards the President's airplane.

-Now let's just hope it works.- Tony said as he went to walk inside the bathroom of the boat, followed by Rhodey to steer the ship.

Tony had the idea of making his suit fly over to help save the president and the people in the plane while he handled it from the boat on their way to go and save Pepper. That way they'll be able to save both of them and not have to choose between his girlfriend and the man that apparently ruled their country.

But it was like Sophia said and this is going to sound very disrespectful and non-patriotic, but they could get another president if he died, there were hundreds of people in line after him, but there was just one Pepper Potts in this world, and even though that there was no hesitation in Tony or Sophia to whom to save first, they still had to save the man as well.

As Tony handled the suit in the distance, Sophia turned to look at the sky, just in time as the Presidential Airplane exploded in a million pieces. She took a hand to her mouth covering it and muttering a breathy "shit".

Then, she saw small dots falling from the sky and her heartbeat quickened.

Seconds went by when she saw now a line falling from the sky and her panic diminished, knowing that Tony had them, but it was short lived as she saw how from between the clouds another small dot was falling way faster and further than the others.

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