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April 2012. 01:23. Quinjet. Somewhere above German forests.

Sophia's POV.

The night sky was filled with some stars as we flew by over miles and miles of trees and mountains. It almost felt like I could catch them if I just reached out with my hand. The clouds were both above and below us, making us invisible to anyone and anything that was out there.

The flight had been quiet at first and I didn't know if that was a good thing or bad. Tony hadn't said anything and Steve either.

I don't know why the interaction with those two made me nervous. They had never seen each other and I knew both of them had characteristics and a personality the other didn't really like.

I learned, over the last 7 months of knowing Steve, that he didn't like pretentious people, people that think they are above everyone else, egotistical, narcissistic, he didn't like people who only seemed to care about money because he thought that took away their humility. He didn't like people who took things as a joke and didn't take their job seriously. Basically, my brother was half of those things, with all due respect.

And in my 24 years of life knowing Tony, he didn't like people who were boring, uptight, serious, who didn't like jokes or made them. People who were constantly trying to follow rules and do as they were told. He didn't like people who were little soldiers, who didn't make mistakes and took everything way too serious. Most things that basically made up Steve, again, with all due respect.

So, putting them together was going to be hard. Also because Tony was not a fan of Steve. Nope. Since, ever.

-Is he saying anything?.- Fury's voice came through our headphones and Natasha answered.

-Not a word.- She said as she didn't tear her gaze from the front.

-Just get him here. We're low on time.- Nick said.

-Yes sir.- I answered before he hung up.

Sighing, I told Nat I was going to check on the men at the back and she nodded. Standing up from my place, I walked towards the back and just as I stepped inside, Loki made eye contact with me. He seemed strangely calmed for just being detained. His eyes were looking at me intently, like if he was trying to find out my deepest darkest secrets by just staring at me.

His gaze made me a little uncomfortable and sent a shiver down my spine, which I found weird. I have never, ever felt intimidated by anyone staring at me.. I have never felt nervous or uncomfortable and now, with that man looking at me I did. I held his gaze, however, trying to let him know that he didn't scare me. And he didn't. He just was making me feel weird.

He broke contact first and I took a deep breath.

-I don't like it.- Steve said just as I arrived with the two of them.

-What? Rock of Ages giving up so easily?.- Tony asked and if it wasn't for the tension slowly building in the jet, I would've laughed.

-I don't remember it being that easy.- Steve said as he turned to look at me. He was facing me while Tony was facing our prisoner. - This guy packs a wallop.- He added and Tony lifted his eyebrows.

-Still, you are pretty spry for an elder fellow.- At my brother's comment I turned around and looked at him hard.

-Tony.- I said firmly but he seemed to ignore my comment.

-What's your thing, pilates?.- He asked and I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath.

-What?.- Steve asked, confused and I opened my eyes again, looking at my brother.

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