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15th October 2012. 10:23. I.I.S.A Secret Headquarters. Reykjavik, Iceland.

Third Person POV

-So, one more time.- Pierre said and Francois and Sophia had to refrain from groaning.

It was the tenth time that Sophia, Francois and Pierre revisited the plan they had been making to catch Zivko the day of the ball.

In the past two weeks, Sophia and Pierre had been assisting to events the convention was holding for them and all the people that were there for the clean energy business deals and accords for their companies.

While attending these events, Sophia and Pierre decided to get closer to Dordevic in order to observe him closer and what he did. Sophia, specially had been keeping a special eye out for him, every single movement he made, who he talked with, where he disappeared to in the middle of a presentation, etcetera, and while she knew he had no idea what her purpose for being so observant was, she also knew he was not an idiot.

He was a smart man and she knew that he was starting to suspect why all of a sudden Sophia was really interested in making business with them.

Her interest had peeked since she knew she could take him out once and for all the day of the ball, but also, she knew that while it was the man's wish to associate with her and her industry, she also knew he, at some point might be able to see behind her mask and do something.

In the last days, Dordevic had been a lot more apprehensive of his briefcase and journal, which Sophia seemed to notice, just as much as Dordevic seemed to notice the amount of attention the young CEO had on his business.

All of these details such as Dordevic being way more alert than the last time, and Sophia and Piere getting closer to him for ulterior motives, was one of the reasons why Pierre wanted to go over the plan as many times as it was necessary. He didn't want anything to turn sideways, he wanted this man out, whether it was in jail or dead, once and for all.

-Okay.- Sophia said as she let out a sigh and ran a hand through her hair. -So, we get into the ball, the three of us, Pierre, me, and Francois as my plus one. Once inside, we just go with it, dance, say hello to people, greet Dordevic and thank him for the opportunity of being there and inviting us.- Sophia said and Francois nodded.

-While Pierre goes to deactivate the backdoor cameras from his tablet and open the back door for the Alpha Elite Team, Sophia is going to introduce me to Dordevic as her date for the night and create a distraction while the team goes inside and hide in the basement.- Francois said and Pierre nodded.

-After the initial toast, they are going to do another dance, in which I'm a hundred percent positive Zivko would want to dance with me. While we dance, Francois is going to go to the security quarters and ask for footage of how many men Dordevic has in the building and where they are.- Sophia explained, also pointing to the blueprints that laid on the table in front of them. -Once he has the number, he's going to come back and Pierre is going to meet him at the entrance of the ballroom to give him the details, then he's going to come back and ask for a dance with me.- She finished as she sipped on her coffee.

-Just as you two start dancing again, the Alpha Elite team is going to run the place and take Dordevic's people out. No one is taking the people near the salon to raise suspicion.- Pierre said as he looked between his agents and then to everyone else in the room. -Now, we need to take the briefcase and the journal, which is where Sophia comes in once again.- He said, pointing to his niece. -In the middle of your dance with Fran, you're going to get close to where Dordevic is and mention something to Fran about feeling dizzy. We'll wait until Dordevic sends one of his people for a glass of water and exactly ten seconds later, you're going to faint.- Pierre said, watching Sophia nod.

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