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April 2012. 19:32. Joint Dark Energy Mission. S.H.I.E.L.D. Western Division. Location Unknown.

Third Person POV

-Director's on his way now. Everything is ready for evacuation, we're just waiting to see how this unfolds.- Phil Coulson said through the phone as he glanced up at the dark sky above him. -How are you doing up there?.- He asked and smiled at the groan that came from the other side.

-I would be better if I was there.- Phil smiled slightly and shook his head. -But seeing as you told me to stay put, well, just peachy!.- The sarcasm dripped from her voice and of course Phil was quick to notice.

-I told you–

-Yes, yes, Director's orders.- Sophia groaned once again as she rolled her eyes.

Just as Phil was going to answer the girl on the other side of the phone, the sound of a helicopter caught his attention, making him lift his head towards the sky once again.

-Director's landing, I'll call you later, Sophie.- Phil said as he heard the flying vehicle approaching.

-Yes, please, let me know once everything is good and done.- Sophia's worryness came through and Phil smiled.

-I will, don't worry. Goodbye, Sophie.- Phil said.

-Bye, Phil.- Sophia replied and after that, the agent put away his phone.

This was going to be a long night, for everyone, they knew it. But what they didn't know was that aside from being long, it was going to be the day everything fell apart.


Maria Hill was pacing patiently in the garage, waiting for her boss to come out so they could leave, people were still running around, loading boxes and equipment in their vehicles. They had managed to get almost everyone out before they expected, but there were still people in the facility.

As she turned around, she felt the whole place shake, and after the movement subsided, she looked around to see what was going on. She knew this was not okay. It wasn't since the moment they had decided to mess with a thing they didn't understand.

She took out her phone and looked at it. Scrolling through her contacts, when she found the one she was looking for, her finger hovered over the name.

Sophia Dumont.

Hesitation started to fill her mind. No one was supposed to tell this to Sophia. She knew about the mission with the Tesseract and she knew they were making investigations and studies about the artefact, but she was at home for a reason, a reason and motive Maria couldn't disobey.

Placing the phone once again in her pocket, she turned to hurry everyone up and get out of the place as fast as they could.

After five minutes, everyone was out, except for her. The Director still hadn't come out and she was not going to leave without him. The scientists in charge of the project were not out either and agents were still inside at the lab as well. She started pacing once again when the gates opened and out stepped Barton, along with another agent, Dr. Selvig and a man with a glowing spear, a black coat with dark green details and long hair.

Hill had never seen this man before in her life and her gut told her this was bad news. As she held the radio in her hand, Barton and the group started approaching the remaining cars.

-I need these vehicles.- Barton said as he walked towards one, Dr.Selvig went to the passenger's side and the stranger in the open trunk of the truck while the other agent went to another vehicle.

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