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30th November 2012. 08:45. West Village, Manhattan. New York, NY.

Sophia's POV

Getting up early the day after your birthday should be illegal.

Yesterday was my birthday and of course, I had to celebrate. It's not everyday you turn 25 and after almost being killed by an alien army from outer space, there are a lot of things to be thankful for.

Meaning, Tony thought it would be a great idea to have not just my birthday day celebrated, no. He wanted the whole week to be a celebration and let's just say I didn't have a say in the matter.

Tony, Happy and Pepper flew in from Los Angeles and stayed with me the whole week as we did different activities for my birthday.

I have to be honest though, I felt happy. I haven't felt this happy in a long time and I guess my brother sort of knew, because he took care of everything and made sure I enjoyed myself as much as I could, which I did. I had told him I would be in L.A in the first week of December but apparently he was not going to let me celebrate alone on my day because that would be me "Wallowing in self pity", which is wrong, but then again, I didn't have too much to say.

Yesterday, the day was packed, to say the least. I got up early and after coming home from my jogging, I went to grab breakfast with Tony, Pepper and Happy. Then, we went to some galleries, went to different parks and Tony agreed to come with me to some of the shelters and charities that I have been supporting since the attack.

I wanted to give some stuff to the people who are still having a hard time and are struggling with either work, money, their house and stuff for their families. We went to give out some new clothes, food, toys, books, some donations for houses and money for people to start again.

I can still see the look of surprise and thankfulness in their faces as we gave away stuff, how people hugged me and thanked me for what I was doing.

It's the least I could do and sometimes I wish I could do more to help.

I know that no matter how many things I give, how many clothes and toys or books and food, how many checks I sign or how many donations I do, those are not going to bring back the people who lost their lives, but if it can be a small way of helping then I will.

Tony said that I should now be declared "Saint" by the Vatican.

After the stop at the shelters and foundations, we went to have dinner and after having cake and blowing my 25 candles (literally), we went back home to say goodbye. Pepper had to be at Stark Industries the next day for an important meeting with the board, so they were leaving today very early in the morning, which is why I am up at 08:47 in the morning after enjoying my birthday last night.

I received several calls yesterday from people congratulating me.

I got a call from Natasha and Clint who are on a mission right now somewhere in South America, then a text from Bruce with a nice message and about how it still amazes him everything I've managed to do in my life before the age of 25.

It amazes me too.

I got a call from Pierre and another one from Francois, and also saying they were excited to have me back at the I.I.S.A after the holidays.

I got a call from Juliette, Laurie and little 4 year-old Milo along with the babbling of their 11 month-old second boy, Paulie. I am, of course, planning on going to visit them in the holidays and one of the things I am most excited about being back in Paris is that I'll get to be with those beautiful baby boys for a long time.

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