Finders keepers.

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My ass was starting to seriously cramp up. Neytiri somehow looked absolutely fine. 

We had been in the air on our Ikran for the last 6 hours looking for Eyve, we searched in the mountains, in the forest, even by a lake I didn't know was there. This man was seriously missing and I was starting to freak the fuck out. All my bones felt like they were stuck in the same position they'd been in for the last 6 hours and I'd never be able to move them any different. 

It was now night, so I could see close to nothing. All that meant was we needed to get onto the ground. There were glowing plants there, it'd help us quite a bit. 
"We gotta land!" I shout over to Neytiri, keeping my posture steady on the Ikran. 

She turns to me and nods her head, diving suddenly down almost immediately after. I sigh and flatten my torso against the animal's neck, gripping tighter. With a swift thought and a yelp, the creature dives, plummeting down rapidly. 

I very quickly match speed with Neytiri, gracefully falling along side her while keeping myself as aerodynamic as humanly possible. Wind claws at my face, so cold and sharp I can hardly feel my cheeks. Stray pieces of hair whip at my neck and back, knotting it like crazy. 

This would be a bitch to get out later.

Neytiri smiles beside me, watching me proudly. Since I first got on this beast yesterday, I'd definitely improved.

My skill could go only upward, to be honest, since the first thing I did when I bonded was freak out. 

She points carefully to a clearing between trees and pushes Seze faster downward. I sigh heavily and follow suit behind her, ignoring the wind drying out my eyes and mouth. 
After a short few seconds, we reach the ground, slowing dramatically before landing. 

I wipe drool from the side of my mouth and blink a few times, waiting for Neytiri to give me an instruction. When she jumps off her Ikran, disconnecting her bond and looking around for danger, I do the same. 

I swing a leg over the top of the creature's neck and jump from my seat, landing gently on the soil before reaching back around to pull my queue from the creatures'. 

When I finally disconnect, I feel relief and comfort knowing my feelings were now my own. 
"Come." Neytiri waves for me to follow her and I do, trailing behind cautiously as she pushes aside thick bushes and plants. 

I was on high alert, this shit was serious. I hadn't linked in a week and here I was in the middle of the jungle looking for someone who'd probably stab me at first sight. 
This wasn't my best idea. But seeing as Jake didn't give me another option I'd just have to stab Jake if I got out of this bullshit alive. 

Without a warning, she stops and I stumble forward, barely being able to stop before I walk into her back. She glares over her shoulder as I step away from her. Neytiri bends down, swiftly brushing her fingers across the mud before licking it. 
I grimace- gross. 

"This is his trail." My heartbeat quickens. If he was close then he'd know we were too, he was stealthy like that. 

Nine years ago if you told me I'd be in the middle of the jungle freaking out over a big blue man, I'd have punched you. But here I am, in the middle of a jungle freaking out over a big blue man. What the fuck. Neytiri stays low, practically crawling over to a mound of dirt. 

I assume she was following a trail I could barely see. There were remnants of footsteps in the mud, but they were so shallow they'd been covered up by leaves and other prints by now.
Finding him was getting exhausted, if he wanted to be alone what the hell are we here for in the first place. 

I crouch and stay as close to the floor as possible, keeping my torso off the ground as I crawl to the mound beside Neytiri. As I peep over the hill, she puts a finger to her lips and points upwards, towards the trees. My eyebrows furrow , but shoot right back up as I notice what was hanging from the tree. 

Several Stingbat's hang asleep in high branches just above a clearing in the trees. There were almost a dozen as they wrap themselves up with their wings. 

He had to be here. Eyve knew Stingbat's, they were his version of Grace's science.

Nothing would make more sense than him staying here, with the one thing he was comfortable with. 

He was the type of person to want to expect things, to know what was coming next. With Stingbat's he could do that, he could anticipate their movements and actions. That was something I knew he found comfort in. 

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