Tears lost.

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My heart was racing and my breathing was coming in too fast. I couldn't find Eyve.

Sweat was dripping down my temples and back that was just making my nerves run wild.

Everywhere there was chaos. People were screaming and running. No matter what happened I needed to get them away from Hometree.
The cries for help it was emitting was enough to send anyone running, but not the Na'vi. This was their home, and they would all die protecting it.

I round the corner to the huge group of people that had formed and they all still. The noise in the background was still horrifically loud, but the way their faces stopped and dropped drowned it all out.

"Run!!" I scream louder than I've ever screamed. My vocal cords feel liable to tear and I feel my muscles tense with every second I continue to yell desperately.

Just when I ran out of breath the Thanator beneath me roared. She opened her mouth and bellowed so high-pitched, so frantically that I felt her shake beneath me. The ground seemed to shiver as people took a step back.
The crowd before me stood silent still, staring between each other unsure to what to do. My chest was rising and falling as I panted, the thanator stopped yelling and it became somewhat silent once more.

They all turned to face me, moving closer to their families.

But they were not staring at the beast, they were looking at me. Whatever they held in their eyes was not decipherable, but it looked close to terror. Fuck it. They could be as scared as they want but they could not be dead.

They suddenly snap into action, stumbling backwards before sprinting with their families into an opening far away from the tree.

My vision was blurry, but still I powered on. A splitting headache tore through me so fast, but I shook it off to find another group of people huddled together, sobbing silently. One by one I told them to leave. After minutes of staring they did as I asked and I rushed to find more people to help.

Eyve was still lost. Nowhere and everywhere at the same time.

Then in the corner of my eye I see on last incendiary being set off and my headache sky rockets. Jake and Grace rush towards me, looking me up and down. "It's going to fall, help everyone."

I was breathless, my words were muddled and I didn't make much sense in my own head. But they both nodded and glanced down at the Thanator before running to wave people away.

A wave of nausea rolls over me that makes me shudder so hard I can't feel my muscles. I very quickly hurl over and fall from the Thanator's back. Our bond quickly disconnects and she sprints off quicker than I can register.

I noticed the sting in my queue that lingered after we disconnected, but didn't pay it any attention with the throbbing behind my eyes.

I shudder and try to lift myself off the ground, but it was impossible. Every time my arm straightened and hoisted me from the floor it buckled immediately and sent me right onto the dirt again.

One of my arms curled around my body, trying to quell the nausea. When I hear a creak, my stomach drops and acidic bile churns inside me.

In a split second, my muscles contract painfully and vomit spews from my mouth. A cry falls from my throat as I watch the horrible substance drip from my lips.

Tears dripped on the ground and I gasped for air when my stomach was done using me as a chemical bin. My hand digs into the ground as I force myself onto unstable legs.

I needed to find Eyve.

I forced one foot in front of the other as I tried to search. But despite my best efforts, something in me refused. My body wasn't moving no matter hard I tried.

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